No Tacos for Nunez

“Because of the fact I am Mexican, they think I have to sleep under a cactus and eat from taco stands.”

by Edwards

Former Speaker of the California Assembly is under fire for spending lavish sums of money from his campaign funds on himself. $1800 for a meal at Ruth’s Chris Steak House. $5000 on wine. $2500 on “office expenses” at Louis Vuitton. Of course, Nunez knows what’s really going on – he told a Spanish language TV network that these watchdog groups aren’t really upset about his illegal spending; they just hate him because he’s Mexican.

“Because of the fact I am Mexican, they think I have to sleep under a cactus and eat from stands.”

“The only thing that really results out of this is that groups that don’t like Latinos use this as a weapon to inflame anti-Mexican, anti-Latino politics,” he said.

Here’s one of Nunez’s more famous political quotes. Judge for yourself who hates who:In 1995, Núñez spoke before the “Latino Summit Response to Prop 187″ at UC Riverside and said:

“…and those rednecks that are out there making decisions for the betterment of their communities will think twice before they push forward anti-immigrant legislation against our community… so you can be as revolutionary as you want, you can be Chicano nationalist, you can believe in the concept of Aztlán, you can believe in the concept of multi-culturalism, we don’t have to give our lives, we’re not at that point.” radio show comes back Sunday, June 1st at 4 PM CDT
