Urgent Action Alert! Avoid Stealth Amnesty Now!

Last week, Diane Feinstein attached AMNESTY for ILLEGAL ALIENS to the Iraq War funding bill.

This will be voted on THIS WEEK. This is a common strategy of politicos to pass unpopular legislation; because it presents legislators with an untenable choice. No matter how one feels about the war, nobody wants to leave our troops stranded on foreign soil without adequate supplies.

So this amnesty will prove very difficult to defeat. For this reason your participation TODAY is CRUCIAL. CALL the Senate Switchboard at (202)224-3121 and tell your Senator to vote NO on the Iraq War Funding bill unless the amnesty is removed FIRST. You can also send your Senator an Email at this page.

Do not put this off. If you do, next week all of those “illegal aliens” will be LEGAL — and their predations will have the sanction of OUR government. Act Now!!

