End Game

We may have to keep quiet for awhile and get our hands dirty; reworking the direction of government by engaging the system for the benefit of our people.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Well friends, it looks like, Barack Obama’s immense victory in North Carolina has pretty much confirmed his Democratic presidential nomination; at least that’s what all of the talking gas bags seem to believe. For Hillary Clinton to overcome him in the popular vote or in the elected delegate group would be nothing short of a miracle, they tell us. And maybe they’re right because as Al Sharpton continues to say whenever he spots a television camera; any kind of super delegate mischief that would cast doubt on the Black Prince’s impending coronation will lead to massive unrest at the Democratic Convention in Denver which obviously would be devastating for his precious Democratic Party. I’m sure these so-called super delegates appreciate the very real likelihood of a violent race riot taking place because they voted incorrectly. In other words if Hillary wins the convention by some stroke of luck you had better avoid non-white areas if you value your life. I mean really, do you think Sharpton would promise civil strife over the Irish descended Hillary Clinton being pushed out of the nomination? Unless Barak Obama or one of his operatives really steps in it however I’d say he’s the man who will face off against the amnesty king, John Insane McCain.

But don’t you know it will be interesting to see the Black Prince trying to convince us that he is the best choice for president without racial dynamics kicking in from multiple fronts. Have you seen the vote in North Carolina and Indiana? According to the AP, around 60 percent of European Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, as opposed to an amazing 90% of blacks going with Obama. And working-class, boilermaker drinking whites went for Hillary Clinton in droves. Of course, when she repeated these facts almost verbatim from exit polls and the AP she was immediately crucified for a being a ‘racist.’ In fact let me quote what she said: “I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” (she told a reporter for USA TODAY, brandishing an Associated Press article, which, she said), “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me. There’s a pattern emerging here.” As one of our Western Voices correspondents accurately put it “that means those bitter blue collar rednecks who cling to guns and religion and dabble in xenophobia aren’t going to vote for the black guy come November.” Touché.

Insane McCain, let’s not forget, has been the media’s sweetheart for a very long time. Not only does he work with the likes of Ted Kennedy to open our borders to the southern hemisphere he is funded by the likes of George Soros and he wants all the same things as the Democrats – and they know he would get them what they want more effectively. He wants amnesty, even more Third World immigration, and police-state gun control; to shut down talk radio via his smarmy collaboration with McCain Feingold. Additionally he’s so pro Israel I’m surprised he doesn’t speak Yiddish as frequently as Bush speaks Spanish. Yes, for the corporate and media interests who pull the strings he’s the best of all worlds. He is the ultimate neo-con, the definitive globalist who would have absolutely no compunction sending your kids off to die in Iran, while back at home he would prop open the door to Mexico’s hordes in order to replace those deaths.

Remember how Bill Clinton’s original push with the Assault Weapons Ban and ominous-sounding Socialized Medicine scheme brought about the “Republican revolution,” essentially shutting him down for the rest of his term? Well, the same thing would happen with Obama or Hillary in the White House. They’d have free reign for two years before hitting a wall and re-igniting opposition from what passes for ‘the right.’ Furthermore look at Bush II. The new “prescription drug benefit” — a socialist welfare program that simply delights the Marxists of the world, costing billions of your dollars, was passed by an allegedly republican Congress! In the same manner McCain could push through an (amnesty) immigration bill or a draconian gun grab with only modest opposition– whereas Obama or Hillary would encounter stiff resistance, again from what passes for the legislative right.

While Hillary Clinton actually stands a chance at beating him, the end-game is a McCain presidency. Yes, more women vote than men, and women tend to vote a great deal further left than men, especially if they are single or divorced. She’d have all the special interests on her side — unions, teachers, homosexual activists, mestizos and left handed chicken pluckers. When you combine the massive woman’s vote with the special interests she’d garner — she could conceivably beat McCain. Of course, she’d be nowhere near as effective as McCain at pushing forward the NWO agenda. So that’s why Hillary’s funding is drying up and you are seeing so much biased news reporting. Rest assured however, it isn’t personal — they adore her like they worship all commies. It’s just the NWO implementation is WAY behind schedule, and those who pull the strings like McCain better. They think he’ll move the plan along faster and more smoothly along than Hillary would. One reason is because of the utterly deluded electorate. Did you know that 20% of people who voted for McCain in the primaries actually believed he wanted to round up and deport illegal immigrants!

You know, this whole sordid affair– with it’s identical candidates, the delegate and super delegate voodoo dance, the threats of violence from Al Sharpton and his fellow Marxists, the media’s on the spot condemnation of even an avowed lying liberal like Hillary Clinton when she tells the truth about race for a change—tells me that yet another nail has been driven into the coffin of political correctness. You see, the media surrogates are hopping mad because they didn’t bank on one of their own, Hillary Clinton, spilling the beans. They just assumed the flummoxed voting population would let the truth simply pass by with all it’s implications in terms of race, — as long as it wasn’t explained to them, of course. On the other side of the tracks you have high profile black activists like Eugene Robinson describing Barak Obama as a “house Negro” for denouncing his anti-white pastor James Wright. Certainly the Bill O’Reilly’s and Shaun Hannitys of the world bemoan the fact that while blacks are openly using race to identify with their (mulatto) candidate, they themselves are playing a frenzied game of Twister, implicitly telling European Americans not to do the same thing – which is nothing new when you think about it. After all it has been these exact kinds of corporate equality nuts in the media, not to mention academia, the churches, law enforcement and federal government that have enabled blacks for decades to identify them selves as manifestly black and allowed them to culturally Africanize America…to the detriment of white Americans.

Now, I’m not suggesting to my listeners that you don’t vote, far from it. We want you to vote if for no other reason than to reach those elements in government who still have a conscience, who still know right from wrong, who can see the handwriting on the wall in terms of our sovereignty, who wish to break the grip of the globalists and warmongers. Yes, they actually exist and it’s up to us all not only to participate in the electoral process but also to work locally on behalf of our folk. If you involuntarily pay taxes and work, and the fact that you have voluntarily decided to tune in to these broadcasts you are now obligated to participate locally and nationally, and that’s all there is to it.

Thanks to the top heavy corruption of ‘the system’ European Americans’ comprehension of their predicament is growing and we are obliged to convert this understanding into effective action. But there are no guarantees. The odds for victory should not be a factor in what we do, because we are not placing bets here; we are not proclaiming victory as we move forward. We are working for our race’s continued existence because it’s the right thing to do no matter who doesn’t like it. We must continue to keep our message before the public and understand that the prospect of victory should in no way slow us down or cause apathy in our collective hearts. This is because our obligation to our ancestors and to our children shows us the path we must take, in spite of how things may look at any given time. The modern, lawful peaceful revival of racial nationalism in Europe ought to give us a clue as to what can be accomplished.

European Americans United was formed as a vehicle to shape the future. As free thinking agents and members we have a duty to undertake obligations indigenous to our people inasmuch as non-whites and others openly take up their flags. But OUR responsibilities include the moral fiber and direction of society, whose guiding institutions we have the know-how of altering on our own behalf. We have to look at things such as the ethical climate in which we live, the preservation of the natural world, geopolitical and military movements as they relate to our nation; and most of all the genetic continuation of our people for generations to come. 

Like the majority of other nations we, the people of European descent, believe a healthy nation consists of an indigenous race of people who are free to pursue their destiny according to the inborn traits Nature has assigned them. We simply must acknowledge the failure of governments whose politicians are only interested in the next election, who pursue the indefensible principals of multiculturalism and equality; and we may have to keep quiet for awhile and get our hands dirty; reworking the direction of that government by engaging the system for the benefit of our people. By acknowledging the contributions European Americans have made, benefits which are sought after by millions of Third World people each year, we have to make feasible not only a homogenous nation state but preserve the vision of our ultimate good.

That should be our end game.





