Hillary’s New Value

Diversity has added precisely nothing to Hillary Clinton’s assumed ‘coronation.’ If anything it has hindered it.

In February 1995, Hillary Clinton addressed the students of her former high school in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge. Noticing there were scores of additional non-whites (and future Obama supporters) among the student population than when she was a student (30 years earlier) she remarked that ‘we didn’t have the wonderful diversity of people that you have here today,’ she said.  ‘I’m sad we didn’t have it, because it would have been a great value, as I’m sure you will discover.’

Remarkable. Now she is publicly courting the very demographic she and her husband Bill sought to marginalize during their reign at every turn: white Americans; specifically working class folk who now seem to be a very desirable target for her charms. The most loyal demographic this nation has ever had seem to have now acquired an even greater value during this election season than ever before. Maybe she and Bill ought to be grateful the dysgenic, multicultural acid they themselves helped to formulate during their tenure has yet to wear us away completely.

–Frank Roman, EAU BOD
