UK Election: Six O’Clock Update

Simon Darby, Deputy Chair of the BNP, gives an update on the going on in England and Wales:

Just got in an extra basket of logs for the fire tonight as it looks very much as if I’ll be staying up somewhat later than I normally do. My computer and laptop are fully primed and charged for action so that I can look at multiple pages at once. I prefer to be at the count normally but I am best placed here to gather and distribute information as it arrives.

Reports from and London assembly elections. On Betfair (online betting) the BNP is now 50-1 on to win an assembly seat with £2500 pounds already invested in this market. Interestingly the BNP’s chances have created far more betting interest than those of you UKIP or Respect. I haven’t had a dabble myself though as technically this could be construed as insider dealing!

Good luck to all our candidates tonight and if there’s anybody reading this blog that can (could), but hasn’t (didn’t) voted for a BNP candidate by close of play tonight, well you really should be ashamed of yourselves.
