“Points of Unity for May Day Marches”

May Day saw a number of marches nationwide in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens. While the numbers were even smaller than those predicted, the demands are still dangerous for America, and represent a chilling confluence between corporations, Marxists and special interests. Here is a list of demands that was circulated by a leading organizer of the protests:

The Points of Unity for the May Day marches are as follows:

1. No to anti-immigrant legislation, and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2. No militarization of the border.
3. No to the immigrant detention and deportation.
4. No to the guest worker program.
5. No to http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1325 sanction and “no match” letters.
6. Yes to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
7. Yes to speedy family reunification.
8. Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9. Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10. Yes to the education and LGBT.* immigrant legislation.Additionally:

1) Multi-ethnic, Decentralized and Multi-topic mobilization: while everyone will pledge to support immigrant workers rights at May Day 2007, local groups can choose to includes any other topics for their mobilizations: civil rights, anti-war, Katrina, labor rights, health care…., etc.

2) Decentralized Multi-Tactic May Day organizing: We will encourage everyone to organize their actions at May Day, but will let local groups to decide what they want to do at the day: march, boycott, strike, lunch action, vigil, community event, conference or congressional lobby day, etc.Understanding the connections between our individual conditions of life and the lives of people everywhere in the word allows us to come together and organize across all borders. WE NEED to link the connections between: wars in Africa, south America, Asia, Iraq, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home–then we can win the struggle. Let’s all come together, on May Day 2008, to build a new immigrant rights and civil rights movements!

*http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4420. One Latino activist says as much: “While I am all for the pointing out of the intersections of all these issues, as a person who has organized rallies and marches, I am concerned about how all these issues could be used to drown out the immigrant rights issue.”
