The Wrongs Inflicted by Wright

Wright said Monday he had waited to speak out until now because of his “mother’s advice.”

Barack Obama has now reached the low point of his campaign.

The, who was Obama’s pastor for 20 years, has turned out to be the (totally) wild card in what heretofore was an unusually well-planned and well-executed campaign. Wright is no longer a part of the Obama campaign, but that hardly matters.

Before Wright burst forth in a series of appearances in the past few days, Obama’s worst-case scenario was to until the Democratic convention, beating Hillary Clinton by the sheer weight of his pledged delegate majority and the unwillingness of superdelegates to overturn the choice of the people.

But the recent rantings of Wright have put that plan in some peril.

It will still be difficult for Obama to lose the nomination, but he does, he can blame Wright. And this is not just because Obama currently is trying to woo white voters who now may be even more suspicious of him. It is because Wright’s message is the opposite of Obama’s. Obama’s chief selling point is that he is a healing force in American politics. Obama tells us he can bring people together.

But Wright isn’t interested in bringing people together. He is interested in dividing them.

Wright is also interested in taking Obama down a peg or two. In his speech at the National Press Club on Monday, Wright was contemptuous of Obama, accusing him of being just another hypocritical politician.

Why? I imagine because Obama had the audacity to distance himself from Wright and some of his more inflammatory statements a few weeks ago.
