Immigration Invasion Forces Plan May Day Protests

European Americans United members to join thousands protesting amnesty call

May First will see an estimated two hundred protests nationwide in favor of illegal immigration, in marches and demonstrations which have become an annual event.

Sponsored by corporations and staffed with Marxist ideologues, the engineered demonstrations aim to put “immigration reform” on the agenda in the runup to the November elections. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain all favor amnesty, against the will of the overwhelming majority of Americans, who were never consulted about any kind of Third World immigration, ever. Illegal immigration from Latin America is merely the latest and most egregious attack on the European American population, an emerging minority which is destined to be outnumbered by 2050. Illegal immigration from south of the border, heavily favored by corporate and other special interests, has unleashed a catastrophe on America, demographically, economically and socially.The May Day pro-illegal alien parades will actually help to drive home the threat we face and solidify the concern of white Americans. Similar national demonstrations in 2006 and 2007 led directly to an outpouring of outrage, key in defeating various amnesty plans. The failure of the amnesty agenda has led to smaller pro-amnesty crowds, which are expected to be even smaller in 2008.

Members of European Americans United will join with other patriots at counter protests from coast to coast to bring our vision of serious, legitimate political change to the thousands of ordinary middle class whites who know they have been betrayed by the system.
