Urine and Blood Planned for Democrat Convention



Word has it that http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1942 (?) groups are planning to create monumental tumult during the August Democrat National Convention in Denver.

The goal is a media-frenzied series of public disturbances similar to the disorder which occurred in the 1968 Chicago Democrat Convention. However, the current plan is more extreme. They plan to throw bags of urine and blood on cops at the DNC protests. Pretty disgusting, eh?

Under the name ReCreate http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4250 68, recreate68.org, bills itself as the place for grassroots people who have been sold out by the Democrats. Members meet at the Gypsy House Cafe in Denver.


From a reader: Two things are interesting here. First, the Nixon machine, which later was exposed with Watergate, was heavily involved in disrupting various Democrat initiatives in the late 60s/early 70s. Much of this involved “black propaganda,” facilitating various leftist and hippie groups and people to pretend either to be supportive of the Democrats or to undermine them by violent actions. We see similar efforts now in how the media gives expensive attention to leftists who have destroyed the antiwar movement by adopting crazy positions which only repel the white middle class, a group necessary for social change. The far left is the number one reason why effective antiwar protest has not taken hold.

Second, the prevailing social order had better hope they only see disruption from goofball leftists, and not from blacks, who may respond with largescale violence if Obama is not crowned at the nomination.
