Tell John McCain to Reach Out to White Voters!

Make sure that McCain and his staff recognize that there is a racially conscious white voting public out there by sending the sample e-mail or one of your own composition.

Inverted World’s action alert asks readers to tell John McCain that he needs to reach out to white voters by repudiating his past support for illegal alien amnesty.

Background: The facts and statistics in this letter are derived from a number of sources:

Sample letter:

I recently learned that you have hired Juan Hernandez, open-borders, Mexico-first zealot, as your Hispanic outreach director. I think this is a bad use of your funds. Rather, I recommend you reach out to white voters.

After all, it’s difficult to see how you could do anything more to ingratiate yourself to Hispanics, since you have been a prominent advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens and multiculturalism for years.

Hispanics made up about seven percent of the voters for George Bush in 2004. White voters made up 87 percent. If you manage to do well with whites, you don’t need Hispanics.

There are several ways to appeal to white voters—speaking out against multiculturalism in education or affirmative action, for example. But above all else, you must publicly reverse your position on amnesty.

So far in your campaign, you have not handled the amnesty issue well. You have tried to deny that the immigration reform act you championed last year would have granted illegal aliens amnesty. Well, that’s not true. The act would have exempted illegals in the country from deportation, which is what the law requires. That’s amnesty.

Instead of insulting our intelligence, you must admit that you have a long history of promoting amnesty, and that you were mistaken to do so. Then you must pledge that you will work to return illegal aliens back to their home countries. Nothing less will do.

Amnesty is a crucial issue for white voters because the influx of Hispanics threatens our way of life. Here are some examples:

Failing schools. You lament the state of America’s “failing schools” on your website and in your campaign. Everyone knows the demographics of failing schools: almost all of them are predominantly black and Hispanic. Encouraging Hispanics to leave is the surest ways of reducing the number of failing schools.

An inassimilable and hostile culture. Mountains of scholarly research has established that Hispanics assimilate neither culturally nor economically into American society. For example, most Mexican-Americans whose families have been in the US for four generations still think of themselves as Mexicans rather than Americans and lag far behind whites in education and economic status. Whites have witnessed Hispanic hostility in the desecration of American flags during illegal immigrant rallies. We don’t want this hostile culture in our country.

White flight. Whites don’t want to send their kids to failing schools, so when Hispanics move into a school district, whites move out. The well-established phenomenon of white flight is one of the reasons for the current mortgage crisis. Because of the influx of Hispanics, the price of housing has soared in the ever-diminishing number of decent school districts, causing whites to put themselves deep into debt to ensure a decent education for their children.

An overburdened social infrastructure. Hispanics are more likely to use welfare and to lack medical insurance than any other major American ethnic group. Thus they place a heavy burden on our social infrastructure. As an example, between 1993 and 2003, sixty hospitals had to close in California because of massive increases in non-paying Hispanic patients. A recent study finds that services for illegal aliens alone consumes 20 percent of the California state budget! High Hispanic use of limited social services inevitably means that fewer will be available for whites and that whites will have to pay higher taxes.

As long as you do not pledge to return illegal aliens home, I will not vote for you, and I’m sure I’m not alone. After all, according to a Rasmussen poll last year, 73 percent of whites think border control and immigration reduction are very important.


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