What NOT To Do

For the record EAU decrys this kind of vicious unproductive activity. 

The reward for racial vandalism crime in Cleveland (TN) has been increased to $2,200 today. Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland says city councilmen, local businesses, along with the city and county governments are chipping in on the reward. Rowland said they still have no suspects in the case.

Yesterday Bradley County officials held a news conference, saying they say they “are appalled” about racist graffiti spray-painted in a Cleveland neighborhood. It happened in a neighborhood near SkyRidge Medical Center. The home where two (black) elderly sisters live had racial slurs painted all over it. The brick home had “KKK,” a swastika and several other racial epithets that go beyond the standard of what we publish.

An FBI agent is looking into the case, but it is yet to be decided if it will be investigated as a federal “hate crime” or not. NAACP officials said today they believe it should be considered a hate crime.

Professionals plan to clean the racist graffiti off of the brick home some time next week.

