Give Them What They Want

For a people losing its country the only thing more disastrous than multiculturalism that does not ‘work’ would be multiculturalism that did work. – “On Genetic Interests” page 190 Frank Salter (2006)

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

First I’d like to apologize for the lateness of this broadcast. Familial duties and other personal issues kept me away from the microphone. I hope you understand and I appreciate your being here now.

A recent article by Tim Wise posted on Western Voices World News regarding the ongoing media fracas of Barak Hussein Obama and his pastor Jeremiah Wright (read it here) confirms in my mind why a multicultural society does not work…and never will. At least, not in terms of a smooth running color blind Utopia as envisioned by Mr. Wise and his egalitarian fellow travelers. Mr. Wise, who is very articulate and seems to be a top notch researcher, defended Jeremiah Wrights tirade against the “white man” and America because of Pastor Wright’s experiences in what has always been — to the dismay of rock-ribbed leftists and soft-headed conservatives — an inherently evil racist country. Apparently, according to Mr. Wise, European Americans have still not atoned in sufficient quantity and quality by utterly removing any manifestation “racism,” any implied or overt expression of intolerance or bigotry against African derived Americans. Mr. Wise went on to list a virtual European American cornucopia of racist indictments and incontestable incidents against blacks which are the wellspring of Pastor Wright’s (and others) outlook, activism and diatribes.

I read this piece several times and kept coming to the same conclusion: unless European Americans are utterly marginalized to the point of irrelevance, or worse conditioned by God knows what new and improved propaganda vectors we can only imagine, because, as he and Barak Obama both agree there are racial differences based on facts — a multicultural society will never manifest itself. While there is no spectacle as ridiculous as the American public during its periodic fits of self hating morality as has been demonstrated for the past 60 years or so, very little according to Mr. Wise has been accomplished. It’s not simply that the races are separated from one another, he says; it’s that blacks and other non-whites, according to national and personal estimation, suffer from so many instances of discrimination it is virtually untenable to call themselves Americans. No, America has not always been kind to blacks, at least not as subserviently as people like Mr. Wise contend we should and we’ve been pretty hard at times on our own people, too especially during the immigration waves from Eastern and Southern Europe of the 1930’s, which includes my own lineage. So with few exceptions, exceptions many of our listeners have enough wisdom and integrity to acknowledge, African derived people in turn have contributed little to our national progress. But in spite of the penchant for tolerance mongers and liberals to defame one of the only cultures on earth that would tolerate their presence, they continue to insist that European Americans need to do more to eradicate things like “institutional racism.” And speaking of institutional racism Tim Wise clearly implies that whites have been deliberately holding back non-whites not only in the United States but around the world, and have been for thousands of years. He says that is an unjust learned behavior, an institutionalized endeavor. Well, if such a thing has been going on for so long why must it absolutely be changed now? I mean really, why has something like this been going on for so long? Well, this tells me that we are dealing with an ethnic characteristic that has been transmitted from one generation to the next in a way that’s comparable to the spread of genetic information (meme). We also might label it with something akin to a survivalist impulse. And I would like to add that this worked for other races, too.

According to Professor Hardin, professor emeritus of human ecology at the University of California: “We must not forget that for three billion years, biological evolution has been powered by discrimination. Even mere survival in the absence of evolutionary change depends on discrimination. If universalists now have their way, discrimination will be abandoned…should cause us to question the wisdom of abandoning a principle that has worked so well for billions of years.”

At any rate, you can be sure this phenomena described by Professor Hardin is not exclusive to the descendants of European-derived persons only, but people like Mr. Wise would have you think so. Not to worry, we are told. The Melting Pot under the management of people like him will work its unexplained magic. In a generation or two, the tens of millions who have come here from Mexico, Central and South America, Puerto Rico, India, the Philippines and Africa will all be absorbed and Americanized, just exactly like the millions of Europeans who came to Ellis Island and things will continue as they are. In fact let’s take it further by positing a scenario with a question about institutional racism which we mentioned a few moments ago: Can you absolutely convince me, or anyone else with even a room temperature sense of understanding that “institutional racism” against white Americans would automatically vanish in a majority non-white America? Will race then become an imaginary construct? Well, if we as European Americans continue to abort ourselves out of existence and put off parenthood according to conventional wisdom — as promoted by vapid consumerism and 60’s styled self centeredness — we may soon find out since the number of Whites, as a percentage of world population, is fast approaching the single digits. Just ask our British cousins who have taken the bait on “tolerance” and their elite leaders’ suicidal embrace of Muslims and Africans onto their sacred shores.

Sometimes I wish the Leftists and the neo Marxists, the egalitarians and the multiculturalists would be more honest. While honesty is not their forte,’ I think with a little coercion of sorts we could get them to admit what they really want, what their wintry black hearts truly desire. So here’s what I propose. According to Mr. Wise and millions like him who have invested billions of dollars and millions of man hours intimately describing the evil of our European derived nation, which is a product of centuries of European philosophy, and its odious treatment of blacks and others: why not accept things as they are, and the way they have been for thousands of years and separate from us? With each article that addresses this Obama / Wright situation, with each radio hack that decries white “racism,” with each of the federally funded race-based groups that attack our people while they reside here in the midst of European America’s bounty I have become convinced that separation and even repatriation back to their countries of origin is the only answer. That’s how serious they come across to the general public and to me, and that’s how grave our remedy should be if they want to play that game. With unparalleled doggedness the Jesse Jacksons, the Al Sharptons of the world and their boosters like Mr. Wise, who span the entire spectrum of political discourse, have made it abundantly clear how dissatisfied they are with our people because we don’t seem to be listening. And as a whole I’d say we’re not listening.

No, I don’t see millions of tax paying European Americans flocking to dozens of so-called “neo-Nazi” organizations in order to assist in the departure and /or separation of non-whites and they never will. I also don’t see millions of our people unambiguously petitioning the government for these things either. But our people are expressing themselves in much the same way through things like white flight and self segregation, are they not? It is therefore necessary that our enemies conform to the facts of reality as much as possible as they have laid it out, not us. So let’s put things in terms the way want to hear it, the way in which they have framed their complaints for decades. Everything they say and the way things are tells me our enemies want complete separation from white people including those that have drunk the diversity Kool Aid. So –according to these complainers America is so evil, so malignant in its treatment of blacks and others, with social and political indicators confirming this will not change anytime soon then perhaps they should consider abandoning our nation and our people immediately. Clearly they either want us gone from their lives or they want our people to capitulate to their demands en masse. The totality of their efforts these many years should tell us — and especially them — that they want the constant source of illness that troubles their group’s welfare & sense of racial morality out of sight and out of mind. They have all but admitted how badly they hate us and how important it is for them to leave us. And we should oblige them, somehow. And when they do finally leave us, just imagine what we as a people could finally accomplish.
