Easter Attempted ‘Guilt Trip’

Migrant laws protested with crucifixion march

by Brenda Walker
Limits to Growth

There truly is no limit to the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3267 of anarchist Mexicans who believe that American immigration laws don’t apply to them. The latest is dressing up like Jesus for a little Via Dolorosa stroll in Phoenix for some “Good Friday” whining.
Comparing their criminal invasion and theft of American jobs and benefits to the Passion of Christ sounds a lot like blasphemy, if one were to phrase theologically.
My favorite Bible verse and Jesus quote has long been “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Luke 20:25) If that isn’t an admonition to obey civil law, what is?

Alejandro Miguel, a 32 year old Phoenix resident, played the part of Jesus.
“We represent an exploited and untolerated minority,” Miguel said in Spanish through a translator. “Our eyes have seen death, misery, and hunger, and we’ve seen enough.” Miguel said the mistreatment of his fellow man inspired him to play such an important role in the demonstration.

To reenact the Via Crucis, Miguel adorned a robe, mask, and crown of thorns while he carried a wooden cross over three miles through the streets of Phoenix.

