Positive Immigration Proposal Needs Your Assistance

Phone calls, faxes, emails needed as soon as possible

We know there is little difference between the three presidential candidates regarding Third World immigration. John McCain joined with Ted Kennedy last year to sponsor S.639 which would have given millions of southern hemisphere invaders instant amnesty. To no one’s surprise Senators Clinton and Obama voted for this bill.

However, right now the House of Representatives is signing a discharge petition to bypass the committee process for H.R. 4088 by Rep. Heath Schuler, D-N.C. This means if enough Congressmen and Senators sign onto H.R.4088 millions of illegal immigrants will be out of a job and immediatley sent home!  Additionally, employers will have to do mandatory employment eligibility verification, no questions asked. With no jobs for the immigrants they can either leave or, if they’re able, go on tax funded welfare.

While this bill is far from perfect let’s do all we can to make sure they leave immediately.

CONGRESS: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/

SENATE: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
