Hillary Grovels

“Apologizes” to blacks as campaign http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3716

Hillary Clinton, shocked that her supposed support among blacks has evaporated in favor of rival Barack Obama, grovelled before a black audience, begging forgiveness for the “racism” that has marked her campaign. Her remarks came at a National Newspaper Publishers Association event. The NNPA (also known as the Black Press of America), is a  federation of over 200 “black community newspapers.” A similar white association, let alone one being addressed by a former First Lady and presidential hopeful, is unthinkable, yet another fact that goes unmentioned in the farcical atmosphere that passes for “race relations” in America.

Black “leaders” have successfully played on white guilt to put the Clinton campaign on the back foot, something easy to do considering attempts by the Clinton camp to portray Obama as “the black candidate” in hopes of stampeding whites, especially in the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3144 who ran twice for the Democratic nomination. “I want to put that in context. You know I am sorry if anyone was offended. It was certainly not meant in any way to be offensive,” she said. “We can be proud of both Jesse Jackson and Senator Obama.”

Part of politically correct dogma, which has been shredded by the brutal Democratic nomination campaign, is the fiction held by many whites that if they embrace “white guilt” and accept black demands they will then somehow be themselves “http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3688 overboard. Ferraro had earlier stated the obvious fact that Obama’s campaign, which enjoys the support of about 90% of blacks, has demagogically capitalized on race and depends of “white guilt” to silence debate. Hillary was having none of it, saying of Ferraro’s statement, “I certainly do repudiate it and I regret deeply that it was said. Obviously she doesn’t speak for the campaign, she doesn’t speak for any of my positions, and she has resigned from being a member of my very large finance committee.”

The ruling paradigm of political correctness is on the rocks, and those who want to save the West have taken great encouragement from watching the coalition that governs us melt down.
