MySpace Pimps Interracial Dating

Concerned reader writes

More than two-thirds of our current generation of European American young people see themselves as unique and distinct. But to the casual observer the uniqueness they strut is a sham. Take a look at the picture on the right. That’s a shot from MySpace, the online equivalant to utter madness. What is the message MySpace wants to convey to your preteen or adolescent? So much for being unique, right? Since when does biracial impregnation produce anything but the loss of unique characteristics? And let’s not even talk about the well documented proclivities of blacks towards criminality and STDs.

As opposed to dating and marrying an exemplary mate (of their own race) and eventually having healthy well-rounded children it doesn’t take a Svengali to know that “getting rich” is the main goal of most young people. Additionally interracial sex is more prevalent among young people today than was the case 20 years ago.

In their political outlook, they claim they are the most “tolerant” of any generation on social issues such as immigration, race and homosexuality. With organizations like MySpace pimping similar subjects is it any wonder? They are also much more likely to identify with hard core Marxists and the romantic idea of ‘revolution’ than was the preceding generation of young people, which had the ability to reshape politics in the years ahead. It’s up to us to blunt this insanity.

By the way, your child qualifies for MySpace involvement if he or she is fourteen years old.
