It’s All About Willpower

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Doesn’t it appear sometimes that the world is unraveling right before our very eyes? As thinking men and women who want to see their own race survive we are keenly aware of the deep-seated problems facing our nation and people. Certainly, a daily perusal of Western Voices World News will prove that point quite well. But I think sometimes we develop a mental filter against immorality, the slow-acting poison surging through the lifeblood of our folk. While we understand what is happening to our race, our culture and our people it stands to reason that, while not actually resulting in contempt for our problems, familiarity sometime breeds at least a small amount of ambivalence, does it not? And then, when you least expect it, a new and more grievous outrage seizes us by the short hairs. Or a sudden culmination of the negativity we have perceived for a certain amount of time abruptly rises like bile and dissolves our ambivalent filtering system.

I certainly don’t mean to deliver a pessimistic message to our listeners today because it leaves people angry with no place to go. But we cannot deny the impact of the social and political structure that is killing us here in America, in much the way variants of the same sickness is killing our racial brothers and sisters abroad. It’s just that sometimes we are shaken out of our ambivalence when we truly realize that darkness is not progress, when we instinctively confirm that racial equality destroys excellence, when it sinks in that tolerance really is the virtue of men who believe in nothing; when we smell the putrefaction as if for the first time. Of course, not everyone has the wherewithal or capacity to see these things because they have been institutionalized by the system inasmuch as a prisoner who has been incarcerated for much of his life has become a part of the prison system. Still, as many of you know by now everywhere our borders have been opened or some new civil rights law has been enacted or enforced the new elite reinforces their power by teaching our children that racial intermarriage is desirable and moral. Everywhere the new elite teach our children that to defend our genetic heritage is the very definition of evil. The end result, if trends continue, will be genocide. Of course the range of this sickness has grown, many European Americans have begun to doubt not only their own specific racial identity but also the chronological description of Western civilization; relegating them selves to accepting the “alleged” goodness of all things European. And yet these same dimwits can’t get it through their heads that were it not for the accomplishments of their very ancestors – the English, the Irish and the Germans, the Italians and the Poles, the Scotts and the Russians — the Third World would have no desire to invade our land and the traitors among us would have no desire to exploit their own people.

So what do we do?  Well, although your host is not a huge football fan I think we can still take a lesson from Coach Vince Lombardi (a fellow Italian-derived American!) who said something that we can apply to every concerned person reading and listening to this broadcast: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” In other words this country, the land of our European forefathers is on the road to ruin for the lack of men, not the lack of knowledge. It is not more knowledge that we must have, Lord knows we already have enough, and not even more strength — but men, real men (and women!) with an iron will able to convey that knowledge in practical terms. You know as well as I do people as they are today — tricked by smooth talking politicians and infected by the authority of the mass media — can minimize even the most insightful educational program, which is to say it’s not for everyone because not everyone has the will.

Warts and All

You see, most so-called anti racist activists and non-white civil rights groups think European Americans cannot—and should not– find happiness or fulfillment among their own people and should not be allowed to work for the survival of their own kind in today’s global co-op. They are insolently implying that to be motivated by appreciation of one’s own race is apparently strong evidence of discontent, a lack of “realization” which can only be found by racial abstinence and integration with other races — all in the name of equality and multiculturalism. Their point of view is desperately myopic. In their twisted little minds, trying to fathom any motivation for white self-respect and perpetuation that does not have a close orbit around non-white races is somehow immoral if not criminal. Sensible European American activists revere and respect our own because they are our own, warts and all. While many of our own people are more concerned with the “purity” of their prized pit bull or equestrian champion we must take that kind of altruism to a higher level.


Knowledge and Effort

So don’t overly concern yourself with acquiring more so-called “knowledge” or more strength; because unless you are utterly devoid of humanity, a sense of identity or resourcefulness you already have the tools you need, which lies in your will. By all means learn what you must. Just don’t ever say or imply you are sorry for the need to protect European Americans and our civilization against the vile results of the implacable tide of Third World immigration, a complicit federal government that funds non-white pressure groups, relentless media propaganda that promotes miscegenation and biracial romance, affirmative action, and the marginalization of the Bill of Rights. Under no circumstances should you be afraid to clearly state that a small number of relatively sensible or talented non-whites does nothing to abolish their entire races dismal failure inside a European based society; that one robin singing in the morning does not mean summer came early. Stand your ground when you tell a person that by admitting every featherless biped of every race into our nation is not virtuous but insane because it leads to intellectual rot and advances the culture-killing goal of impossible equality. And really, with little effort you can easily make someone see that these trends are not inevitable or the products of cosmic forces unseen.

EAU Chapter

Once you have decided to look beyond today; once you have determined that yes I do have what it takes in terms of knowledge and strength, ally yourself with as little as three other persons who share your views and form a Chapter of European Americans United. Then find the sources of your courage by studying and developing the subject of courage. Be alert for other courageous people in terms of history and in the present because it is so much better to be in the company of brave people than with weedy people. Weak, race less egalitarian citizens will drain others who possess willful attitudes so you must fortify yourself with inspirational resources and community. And while you’re at it ask your friends and family if they can remember instances of anti-white propaganda. Get them to talk about the hypocrisy and manipulation used on European Americans in the media, universities, churches and federal government. However, you must be prepared for the confrontation you will probably run into. If you feel the time is right, respond to the confrontation with simple questions like: “Why are you afraid to talk about this? Was there ever a time when you could talk about being a white American without fear?”


Of course, you’ll have to desensitize yourself to the inevitable insults and accusations such as “racist”, “Nazi” and other yawners like that. Remember: overly courteous people who have swallowed media induced peer pressure have shied away from the hateful approach of our enemies and this has benefitted them to no end. I mean really, although our racial adversaries come in all shapes and backgrounds they still have to put their pants on like you do and they possess no special powers or information with which to overcome your position – except the will to do so. Engage it, match it, and then overwhelm it. In fact just by paying attention to trends and suspicious activities an alert EAU activist will gain the insight needed to effect needed change, which starts by decimating your enemy.  Ire and disgust are clear indicators of grave situations-especially when your people and your race are being ruined. So don’t be afraid to get heated because your wrath will be wholly unexpected especially if it’s based on truth and factual accounting. As you focus where your passionate feelings lead you, remember we as a people are under siege in every sense of the word. This will become clear—if it hasn’t already!– as your sources of information multiply; and your Chapter may find itself beleaguered with information depicting unimaginably offensive anti-White occurences not to mention ways to counter it. So remember to choose which battles that needs to be engaged. Common sense will inform you which conflict to pick and ultimately to win.

Get busy

Ladies and gentlemen, as the veil of deception becomes thinner and thinner, as the man behind the curtain overreaches yet again, we must campaign on behalf of our people all over the world from a position of strength, knowledge and will. You know as well as I do that our enemies are coming from a position of claimed supremacy as they degrade, legislate, and cut off European Americans from their past and blind them to a future they would otherwise not agree to. As I said at the beginning of this broadcast, sometimes it seems as though the world is unraveling right before our eyes. This can make us ambivalent and discouraged. But perhaps we should look at it more like Nature revealing what we know in our hearts to be the truth because She has given us yet another opportunity to offer a “credible alternative as the existing order fails,” as real world events push our fellow European Americans toward a brighter outlook by virtue of their very will.
