Immigration Then, Immigration Now, and John McCain

What they told us about immigration in 1965:
This bill does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives.”-President Lyndon Johnson

“Contrary to the opinions of some of the misinformed, this legislation does not open the floodgates.”-Senator Claiborne Pell

What they said in 2005:
“We are a nation of many races…(and) many points of origin. But our one shared faith is the belief that a nation conceived in an idea will prove stronger, more enduring, and better than any nation…made from a common race or culture.”-Senator John McCain

The next time one of our faithful WVWNews readers comes up on Senator John McCain ask him this question, preferably in public:

Hello Senator…

“Your Hispanic outreach director is a former cabinet-level official in the Mexican government.

He promotes a “free flow of people” between the U.S. and Mexico.

He wants Mexican immigrants to the U.S. to “think Mexico first”.

I’m sure you wouldn’t ask Vincente Fox to do outreach to U.S. voters on your behalf.

But, the person doing outreach to U.S. voters for you was until 2002 an official in the Mexican government working directly with Vincente Fox.

Please explain what sort of message you’re trying to send to U.S. voters.”
