Are Blacks Becoming More Hostile Towards Whites?

Wait till Obama swears in. News Team

Today in St. Charles, MO two CofCC members were on a date together in a nice tavern which normally has all white patrons. Two very large black male thugs enter the establishment, sat at the bar, and begin yelling out profanities and threats at white customers. The restaurant owners called the police.

However, before the police arrived, the large thugs assaulted a while couple as they were entering the establishment and then fled before police arrived. The primary victim in this racially motivated assault was a young man who required seven stitches to his face.

St. Charles, MO is short distance from Kirkwood where a black man went on a racially motivated rampage killing two police officers and three city officials just days ago.

The St. Louis, Mo CofCC chapter believes that black men have become more aggressive and more hostile towards towards whites in recent days. In light of comments make by local blacks defending or praising the Kirkwood murderer, it is possible that these killings have emboldened local blacks to be more aggressive in their hatred of white people.

However, they also feel that the success of the Obama campaign might be emboldening blacks to be more aggressive and hostile towards white on a national scale.

Have you noticed any increase in hostility against white by blacks in your area?

A CofCC reader responds:

“I live in a town with a largely Black population, with Whites mostly living outside in the suburbs. While in town at Ron Paul signing events, I have seen several Blacks flip us off and yell “Obama” or “We’re taking this country”. Of course, the other Ron Paul folks see the same thing…and I am helping them understand how to accept this racial reality and draw the right conclusions. Believe it or not, this Black antagonistic behavior toward Ron Paul folks is helping me get the point across more that any discussion in the abstract seperated from their immediate experience ever could. I should really thank these Black folks for their constant displays of TNB and reminding White Ron Paul supporters of their race and non-White hostility toward our people. My way of thanking them will be by building an effective pro-White mass movement locally and spreading this example for others to emulate and align with.

I hope these Obama supporters keep up the good work provide an education to these awakening Whites who need lessons on the racial realities and who need to make the choice to get off the fence. We’ll see a lot more of this non-White hostility expressed throughout this campaign and especially if Obama get the nomination. If we stand steadfast and guide the other White Ron Paul folks how to react by example (be racial realist and passionate, but do not be crude and use steroetypical “racist” epithets), they will start to follow our lead. Help these White patriots take the baby steps toward a fuller awakening and consistent racialist attitude and way of life. Push the envelop a little at a time, and check to see if they got the message or become more hesitant as a way to help determine how to continue your approach with these folks. What you really want is for them to state their own racialist feelings and ideas and to reclaim their pride in their heritage and White identity again, rather than for you to spout your views to them and them to passively and politey nod. Until then, baby steps.”

