Arizona’s Hiring Law Withstands Latest Challenge

Law on illegal aliens effective

Arizona’s strict new law penalizing businesses that employ illegal aliens has withstood another legal challenge in federal court.

U.S. District Judge Neil Wake dismissed a suit brought by a cabal of corporate interests, among them the, who argued that the law was an unconstitutional state attempt to enforce immigration statutes, which are federally mandated. Judge Wake said the law fell under the right of a state to regulate businesses operating within its jurisdiction. “Preservation of that state power was itself part of Congress’ careful balancing of policy objectives,” Wake said. The law penalizes businesses in violation, taking their business licenses.

Illegal immigration has devastated Arizona’s economy, depressing wages by in 2006 alone and cutting the income of low skilled American workers in the state by  4.7%. Social services and other quality of life issues have also suffered immeasurably.

The case may go to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has a reputation for following a leftist agenda. But if the 9th Circuit does strike down the law it will go to the Supreme Court, a serious gamble for open borders advocates because a Supreme Court decision in favor of the law will set a national precedent and open the floodgates to identical laws nationwide.In the face of federal inaction over the immigration crisis, the battle is

The Arizona law has proven to be especially effective in the frontline state which has suffered a huge invasion for decades from neighboring Mexico. The law, and a similar one in the restive poor, whose remittances back home of finances made illegally dwarf all domestic economic activities in Mexico except oil.
