Panchito Sinks Mayor

Hispanic Texas mayor resigns in Shih Tzu scandal

The alleged dognapping of Puddles the Shih Tzu has led to the resignation of the Hispanic of a small Texas town as police pursue charges.

Neighbours claim that Alice Mayor Grace Saenz Lopez told them puddles had died when they were on a vacation after leaving the dog in the care of Lopez. Lopez also filed a police report saying the dog had gone missing.

The grieving owners of Puddles were surprised to see the Shih Tzu in the custody of Lopez when they came home. When confronted, Lopez claimed that the Shih Tzu was her own pet, which she called Panchito (“Little Frank”).Puddles/Panchito is now the subject of a custody hearing. Meanwhile, Lopez was hit two counts of tampering with evidence and concealing evidence.

Lopez resigned an issued a letter about the incident: “I can tell you that I did at the time what I thought was best for Panchito and what I felt was right in my heart. I am sorry for the division that the events of these last few weeks have caused.”
