20 Million Illegal Alien Voters By 2010

McCain is a madman

by http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1181

Have GOP voters forgotten that just a few months ago, http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3224 ignored the public.

The angry calls rolling into the Senate offices, including John McCain’s, were between 50 and 100 to 1 against McCain and Kennedy’s bill. We know this because we stood outside his door counting calls received by his staff and because other Senators told us the ratios they were receiving. History was made when the Capital phone system shut down, due to overload of calls from angry Americans.

John McCain refused to listen to Americans and went so far as to call members of the Senate who refused to support  McKennedy “Racists”! John McCain showed no regard for American voices and instead called those who disagreed with him petty names. Who was John McCain listening to? He was listening to the US http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1325 (The Race) whom he openly coordinated the effort with.John McCain has illustrated in dramatic fashion that when he feels safe in his office, he couldn’t care less about what a majority of Americans think.

Now, John McCain claims he is listening because he wants to be President in a few months. He says he will “Secure the Border First!” Even if you could trust John McCain, which you cannot, his border security pledge will be quickly reduced to irrelevance, if his desire for Amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens becomes a reality…

Barack Obama brags about how he worked with Senator McCain for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” amnesty. If the GOP voters allow McCain to win the primary, they will be denying Americans any real choice against Amnesty in November. Unless an independent candidate enters the race, our choice will be between Clinton, Obama, or McCain all pushing for Amnesty from the White House, just like Bush!

