Homeschool Your Kids

Practical Homeschooling Articles / Columnists

A Word of Advice: The articles in this section were published over a time period of over 10 years. All articles are in their original published words, which means that some articles may refer to resources that no longer exist or whose contact information or prices have changed. We DO NOT recommend that you order any product mentioned in these articles without first checking (via Google or some other search engine) to see if the company still exists, still is doing business at the same address, and the product still has the mentioned price.

Special Feature!  Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
We interview the ladies who wrote the book!

Special Feature!  John Taylor Gatto Interview
Get comfy on your couch and soak up great ideas and insights from this former New York State Teacher of the Year. Mr. Gatto gets the highest possible rating when he speaks at homeschool conferences… now you can find out why!

Special Feature!  How to “Bee” a Spelling Success
National acclaim! Big scholarships! Or maybe just learning to be an excellent speller. Find out how Spelling Bee contestants prepare for their big day- and what it takes to win.

Special Feature!  What We Can Learn from the Homeschooled 2002 National Geography Bee Winners
These kids know geography. So, what methods did they and their parents use that let them beat nearly 5 million other kids?

Special Feature!  The Homeschool Admirer
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