Canada: Richard Warman is an Enemy of Freedom.

Richard Warman (pictured right) can add Jessica Beaumont to his list of Canadians whose rights he’s violated.

He went after a young teenage lady for posting her opinions online, and abused the CHRC/CHRT to do it. Apparently, Warman thinks the opinions of a 19 year old girl(her “offending” posts date back to when she was 18) posting on Internet Forums might lead to WWIII, so he felt compelled to stop her opinions from spreading at all costs.

Richard Warman hates freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Why else would he attack people for communicating their opinions online if that wasn’t true?

What irks me is that Richard Warman attacks people, and if they complain about being harassed, he gets awarded thousands of dollars. That is exactly what happened in the Jessica Beaumont Case.

Here is the CHRT Link for Warman vs Beaumont:

The greatest outrage in what has happened is the awarding of $3,000 to Miss Beaumont’s tormenter, Richard Warman. In a less feminized era before so many men became spineless wimps, no man who respected himself would be caught dead putting out his hand to try to take hard earned money from a young woman. It just wouldn’t have been done. Any cad who would do so would be roundly condemned and ostracized by men and women alike. Sadly, in the all out war against ideas and dissent, no such respect or restraint applies. A grown man, a lawyer, a well paid civil servant, doing something or other at the Department of National Defence, last time we heard, has no qualms about trying to pick Miss Beaumont’s slender purse because she called him a few choice names after he complained against her.

The decision by Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Vice Chairman Athanasios Hadjis is yet another nail in the coffin of free speech on the Internet for Canadians brave enough to identify themselves by their own names. It marks an unblemished record of convictions. No one, yes no one, in the 39 years of thought control Sec. 13.1 which once applied to telephone answering machines but now covers the Internet has ever been acquitted. This fact, as much as anything, bears out the fact that Sec. 13.1 is nothing but political thought control.

