Elections, Race and Nation

No people, no race, and no nation can continue to exist on this planet unless they have a clear sense of who they are, where they came from, and where they are going.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

Watching the recent presidential debates and seeing the results of the Iowa and New Hampshire caucus’s has been a pessimistic eye opener, at least for me. Without going into a tedious analytical breakdown – and there are more than enough of those on Fox Snooze and CNN – I will say the one defining feature of this process has been the degree of obfuscation from virtually all the candidates and their media boosters. From free trade to foreign policy, it matters not if we’re talking about a Republican democrat or Democratic republican all of these bantering drones that oddly enough have an identical quirk for the word ‘change’ are masters of hypocrisy. For example John McCain and Mitt Romney have said over and over again how they simply can’t wait to “secure the border” when in reality their public records tells us they would effectively erase even the pretense of a border with Mexico. The same goes for Hillary Clinton and her ideological twin Barak Obama. Whether neocon or leftist they are all the same but are packaged differently. They are ALL one in the same because whether they are Left wing or Right wing they support the idea of countless, incompatible divisions of people who are powerless to confront their financial rulers.

Oh sure, they’re more than glad to tell you they have noble concerns for their constituents, at least in theory, but in practice they have an utter lack of understanding for what a nation actually needs to survive. Of course, bobbing and weaving is part and parcel to “democracy” and the voting process because if it were otherwise it might actually be a workable system that doesn’t keep the voting population stupid while the power brokers at the top remain secure in their positions. Later on I want you to read John Young’s excellent take on this very issue.

So today let’s break it all down to the very essence of America’s political and national existence.

No people, no race, and no nation can continue to exist on this planet unless they have a clear sense of who they are, where they came from, and where they are going; and it is exactly these crucial areas of information that the enemies of America are denying us. From control of the mass media, the educational institutions and the courts the adherents of globalism multiculturalism and miscegenation are seeking to marginalize European Americans, indeed ALL people, until we are nothing less than coffee-colored smiling serfs. You see the majority of these so-called leaders gleefully advocate that all human beings (all races) are replaceable. In their eyes we are all purchaser units that can be substituted in the company of each other by each other without any long term consequence, which is to say they have justified to themselves any and all racially destructive policies that have ever come down the pike. From Affirmative Action to open borders they want the dwindling majority of European Americans to believe that it really does no harm to enhance the status of non-whites so that they can more easily assimilate into white civilization and (eagerly) breed with Caucasian men and women. And since it is people like you listening to this broadcast who are basically the same as the last mestizo that dragged himself across the border or the latest Haitian that washed up on a Florida’s beach, everything will still be the same once they are here, Norman Rockwell incarnate. The fact that they will outbreed our people 5 to 1 while receiving special perks like federally bankrolled advocacy (groups) and public assistance can’t possibly demean us as a homeland because we are all the same and we can all maintain the same civilization, correct?

As utterly ridiculous as this sounds these presidential candidates either really believe this tripe or they want you to think they believe it. What’s more they terrified even to think about truly drastic methods that might in fact end the problems we out in here in flyover country have to face everyday or they are facilitating them according to their Marxist pipedreams. And it’s the same destructive ideas not only with them but a good portion of our people too; their so-called constituents. Many of us understand these problems and are deeply concerned about them, but we aren’t willing to tackle them in any considerable way. While many are egalitarians of the worst stripe public officials know with certainty any deviation from this belief will be the death of their candidacy while the voters think it will be the end of their livelihood. Take Barak Obama’s New Hampshire victory for example. Like I said last week this partly answers why you saw so many white Midwesterners eager to promote a man like Mr. Obama, a man who attends an Afro centric church and in 2007 marched with the largest Mexican support group in the country. To some degree his pale-skinned supporters are mollifying a false media induced guilt complex and they actually believe he’s working for their self interest; and to vote otherwise would somehow – someway — be racist.

In a healthy society clear thinking people would not only reject him on the basis that his appearance and his ideas are dangerous, but they would also demand that he (and others of his ilk) stop what he’s doing immediately. We keep playing their game by their rules instead of pointing out that their rules are killing our people and nation. We put their silly bumper stickers on our cars and we joke about our “leaders” political indecencies much as the ancient Greeks allegedly joked about their Gods, and we allow ourselves to be pigeonholed with meaningless labels such as “liberal” and “conservative” and reject even a whiff of racial identity. We must therefore end our subservience to these deceivers for fear of losing ‘the good life’ which for all practical purposes won’t happen anyway. Barring a few real patriots such as Texas Congressman Ron Paul, our domestic enemies are charming yet vicious, and those of you who don’t believe this need to rethink a few things, such as your ability to vote. I know for a fact that many people feel the same way I do, having talked with many of them. They also can see that reassurance from difficulty, ease and consumption are now the end all be all to the vast majority of European Americans I’m sad to report. Most of our people are more willing than ever to endure an unfriendly government bureaucracy and all its attendant restrictions, ordinances, and regulations; its increasing demands for more and more ‘tolerance’ of Third World invaders, miscegenation, homosexuals, higher taxes, globalism, and so on. Fear of this system is key to their success; a hope for benevolence from our captors; the result of which could easily be defined as a form of Stockholm syndrome.

In order to ensure our racial and national survival we have to stop relating to our emotional and financial captors in Washington and Hollywood. We have to reject their message and stop relating to it and we must then begin to edify agitate and organize. But most importantly, in the spirit of all the great men and women who went before us, from William Wallace to Marco Polo, from Patrick Henry to Robert E. Lee, they taught us that living does not end with fear. They taught us that courage and honor live on forever and are indeed more precious than life itself. Therefore, it is now our duty to comprehend the world and amend it. We need to revisit our Western (European) ideals, those which have helped us to get where we are, and step out of the present racial and political disorder. We need to take real ethics, and make them matter to those have eyes that see and minds that think. As a matter of fact let’s even go so far as to take a cue from Barak Obama’s church and its mission statement. After all what’s good for their people should be good for ours, right? So with a little modification we can thusly say:

“We are an organization which is Unashamedly White and unapologetically proud of who we are. Our roots in the White experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are a European people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization and all lands in which our people dwell. Divine Providence has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of exploration, the nights of struggle, and a new dawn of understanding. It is the best qualities of our community that give us the strength and courage to continuously address true progression as a people, and as a Nation. We constantly affirm our trust in history and our vision of the future for cultural expression rooted in the finest traditions of those who came before us; of White service and organization which address the White Community.”

So it is with this thought that I end our broadcast: Fear nothing as you work on behalf of your people. And when you do feel fear, in the spirit of our forefathers, do what needs doing anyway. Cut through the paralysis by envisioning victory, by giving thanks to all those who have gone before us & shown us how to live courageously. Thank all of the Thomas Paine’s and William Shockley’s we have working night and day for us now and reject the likes of Shawn Hannity, Frank Luntz, and their cohorts on the so-called Left. From those who operate websites and do internet radio shows, to those who march in protest and raise their angry voices on behalf of our people, to those who are quietly educating others one on one, to those who fire off comments on the untold blogs out there, who call into talk radio shows and write letters to the paper, to those who reach out and urge others to defy the monopoly of multiculturalism. All of us, each and every one are having a positive impact and no one can tell me different. So in spite of my rather cynical-sounding message today I want you to know a mass consciousness is forming among our people and you need to become a part of it. This mass consciousness is emanating from the bottom up because those who are beguiling our people cannot maintain their self-control forever and it’s becoming more evident now. While we still have a ways to go, everything you do on behalf of courage, liberty and our Folk counts more than you will ever know.
