A British Reader Responds to Audio Broadcast ‘Why Obama?’

Barak Obama is an icon of what the new world order wants, not because of merit, but multicultural dogma.

by ‘A British Friend’

Hi Frank,
Happy New Year. Thanks for delivering another excellent broacast where you intricately surveyed the issues surrounding presidential hopeful Barrack Obama. Actually, in theory at least, I’m not against a black person running for presidency if they were doing it on a sincere platform of fairness and cultural protection for all of America’s established citizenry, a real longshot. But despite a recent speech where he promised to withdraw from Iraq and protect American jobs, how can anyone trust a man who sided with millions of illegal aliens in last years nationwide rallies? That’s even before he gets into office! Obama is only faring well because he’s the media favourite. They seem to publish a gloating article anytime he receives a positive reaction in a public appearance, yet Ron Paul, a true American patriot was excluded by Fox News in a New Hampshire Forum the other day. Barrack hasn’t show great analytical ability with his call for black identity as you commented. I mean, black people have access to numerous organisations and even an exclusive television channel BET, so why on earth does he think they need to reassert a black identity? I think he only chipped in that token gesture to reassure blacks that he’s on their side in case any of them perceive him as a sellout. At any rate his black ancestral side his Kenyan, an east African nation that did not lose any indigenous people to the transatlantic slave trade. His very African phenotypical appearance shows how black genes tend to dominate, or mask, the recessive white European genes of his mother. Obama is an icon of what the new world order wants, not because of merit, but multicultural dogma.

I agree it was disheartening to see masses of deluded Iowan white voters endorse him mainly because of the colour of his skin and the fashion he represents rather than what is in the interests of themselves and their descendants. Cheering for their own destruction as you grimly stated. If I recall rightly, Bill Clinton once received a racous applause from a white audience when he said that whites would become a minority in years to come. Some voters are so stupid that they mindlessly salute anyone with charm and a glib tongue. I suppose it’s a consolation there are millions of thoughtful Ron Paul voters out there who are more passionate and active than the laid back voters who are susceptible to vote for Obama. Ron Paul, however, is deliberately restrained from extended prime time televised slots, which curtail his appeal to the masses who rely on TV as their number one communication medium.
Thanks again for your work during 2007. I enjoyed listening to your inspiring speeches. You have done a good job of covering all the critical nationalist issues that face European Americans rather than focus on one issue. For example, everyone agrees mass immigration is not beneficial, but what point is there dwelling on that when so many of our people are abandoning racial loyalty?

That’s why I support your warnings about miscegenation, not of out of malice, but because it poses a danger to white cohesion when it grows beyond an abberation. Unfortunately it’s rampant in many places. It hurts people like us because we possess a stonger than average concern for the welfare of society and have the far sighted vision to see exactly where it’s heading. Whites need to love themselves more and organise for their own interests. It never ceases to puzzle me how so many whites are intelligent and creative in various ways, yet they are naive or unrealistically optimistic about their groups prospects for racial survival. Other racial groups instinctively cling together better then we do. Like last year when hundreds of blacks mobilised upon the town of Jena, Lousiana even though the kin they were protesting about were guilty of beating a white student. Whites seldom do the same. It’s the passiviety and inaction of whites against injustices to them that is our greatest weakness. I think there are encourgaing signs in the US with many whites supporting Ron Paul who may be crypto white nationalists, and others joining anti-immigration groups. Over here the BNP is making strides forward although I disagree with some of their policies and perceptions as to what is the biggest concern.
