Only Ron Paul Can Be Trusted on Immigration

“We can’t afford to have another Open Borders lunatic, like George W. Bush as president.”

by James Buchanan

Ron Paul has finally put out a crystal clear ad on immigration. A youtube video of this ad can be found Ron Paul opposes amnesty and favors enforcing the law, which includes deporting illegal aliens. Ron Paul is the ONLY viable candidate for president, who has taken this position.

Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Huckabee and Thompson (the gang of five) have made public statements to the effect that they don’t think it’s possible to deport the 12 to 20 million illegals in the US today. By taking that position, those candidates are effectively saying they will NEVER deport a serious number of illegals.

The US economy is practically creaking and groaning under the weight of 20 million illegal aliens. Hospitals and schools are being overwhelmed by swarms of illegals. Ron Paul mentions these facts in his commercial and he proposes an end to birthright citizenship. If 20 million illegals stay in this country much longer, all of them will have “anchor babies” who automatically become US citizens. We absolutely must get rid of the anchor baby loophole otherwise we will be stuck with millions of “next generation” illegals.It is critically important to be wary of the candidates, who have recently flip-flopped on the immigration issue. Mike Huckabee is absolutely the worst liar in the campaign and nothing he says can be trusted. Mitt Romney is also completely untrustworthy on the illegal immigration issue.

We can’t afford to have another Open Borders lunatic, like George W. Bush as president. America will become a Third World nation unless we make Ron Paul the next president, and let him secure the borders and get rid of the anchor baby loophole.
