A New EAU Applicant Tells It Like It Is.

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” – John F. Kennedy

by DS

I’m not a “white supremacist.”  I really dislike having to begin my story on a negative note, but this is one myth I am obligated to debunk right away.  At the school I currently attend, people run into me on an almost regular basis and say “so DS, I hear you’re a white supremacist”.  I’m getting annoyed with whoever keeps perpetuating this rumor, but the issue needs to be addressed.  Since I’m not a white supremacist, then what am I?  Well, I don’t like labels.  The story of how I came to become the independently thinking, racially conscious man that I am today, and all that I believe, cannot be summed up in a two-word label.  I’ve always been somewhat racially conscious.  Ever since I was young, I was told that people of other races are just like me, only they differ in skin color.  I didn’t buy it for a second.  No, something is different, something significant but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. This vague sense of racial consciousness began to awaken when I was in high school.  On warm summer nights, I loved to go for walks around the neighborhood and downtown.  My mom always discouraged me from going out alone at night.  “Why?” I asked her, “Why can’t I go out for a walk?  Why can’t I walk downtown” to see some of my fellow students.  She told me I was at risk because I was alone, I was young, I was male, and I was white.

*Image courtesy of RCCasuals.com* 

At first, I never understood why my race had anything to do with it.  If a White male is more at risk than a black or mestizo male is, that must mean that blacks and mestizos are more violent than whites.  Of course, she denied this.  “Why, racial violence goes both ways, fifty-fifty.”  If that were the case then, why would the fact that I am white make a difference?  If racial violence goes both ways, fifty-fifty, than the fact that I’m white would be irrelevant, right?  My Dad was much blunter on the matter.  At the time, I did have some views that were admittedly “white supremacist,” and I was not shy about expressing them either.  He warned me that if I repeated my views to people of other races, I would probably be violently attacked.  I asked him if a person of another race would risk similar violence if he made an anti-White remark.  He said that a non-white person is much more likely to attack a white person for a racist remark than a White person is to attack a non-white person for a racist remark.  I wasn’t pleased with what I heard.  Dad had hurt my feelings.  But I realize now that he said precisely what I needed to hear.

They say that a picture is worth a thousands words.  Now, I had earlier heard some mention of violence against Whites living in South Africa.  I was curious, and I wanted more information.  But, rather than sitting on the couch and waiting for “information” from the media, I was much more inclined to do some independent research, so I went on the internet and googled “White slaughter in South Africa”.  I was traumatized by the pictures I saw and the stories I heard.  Now, out of respect for you, the reader, I will not show any pictures in this document, but I will share some information about what is happening to our people in South Africa.  As you all know, up until 1994, South Africa had a system called Apartheid, a system of racial segregation that made it possible for the White minority to live a peaceful existence on the Dark Continent.  The media, the churches, and the universities were all railing against this “racist” practice of racial segregation.  Finally, in 1994, apartheid was abolished.  As a result, South Africa went to hell.  First of all, “racial equality” was never accomplished.  White domination over Blacks was merely replaced by black domination over whites.* (Editor’s Note: The indigenous population of black Africa was not interested in South Africa until the Boers settled and developed the region, whereupon they were given jobs and a more hospitable environment under the circumstances…a corresponding situation that has not come to pass for the remaining white Boers.) Crime rates went through the roof, and the AIDS epidemic got much worse.  Worst of all, widespread violence of Blacks against Whites began.  Black terrorists began invading White-owned farms, torturing and killing innocent whites.  I’ll briefly discuss some of the horrors I’ve seen and heart.  I’ve heard stories of Blacks, many of whom are HIV positive, raping innocent White women (and men too), and it doesn’t matter how old or young either, these rape victims range from infancy to old age.  I’ve heard stories of Blacks pouring oil on the backs of Whites and then applying hot irons to their skin.  I’ve heard stories of blacks taking white men, stripping them, wrapping electrical wire around their genitals, and then turning on the power.  The one story that bothered me the most was one of a white baby that was wrapped in newspaper and then set alight.  I’ve seen pictures of the victims that were equally frightening.  Even today the mainstream media remains eerily silent, especially since it was they who pushed the hardest for the collapse of apartheid. Anyway, I’m sorry I had to be so graphic but it’s important that you, the reader, understand the seriousness of the situation.  Now, even though I had suddenly become a bit more racially aware, I was still, by no means, a White separatist, nationalist, or anything like that.  I was only reacting out of the natural horror of seeing such atrocities, and I wanted justice.  I wanted equal rights for Whites.  I wanted my race to secure its rightful position in the multi-racial society.  I wanted good race relations between whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc.  I was even completely open to racial mixing.  The reason I say this is because, at the time I had an obsession with Japanese anime, and a corresponding obsession with Asian girls.  I became a bit frustrated when I saw that many Asian girls preferred the company of Asian boys and I was never actually successful on the dating scene.  But around this time, I became interested in ethnology and I took a look at many different ethnology sources.

I’ll share some shocking statistics.  In the year 1900, Whites were 30% of the world’s population; in 1960, Whites were 25% of the world’s population; now, in 2007, whites are only about 10% of the world’s population.  In 1960, Whites were 90% of the U.S. population; now, in 2007, Whites are only about 67% of the U.S. population.  The diminishing of our race is mainly due to four factors: immigration of non-Whites from the third world into the West, low birth rates among White native populations, high birth rates among non-Whites, and racial mixing between Whites and non-Whites.  When I awoke to the racial crisis we are currently in, I made a personal commitment to never date or marry anyone outside of my race, but rather to remain faithful to my own kind, to only date girls of European stock, and to eventually pro-create for my own race.  The crisis that our people in South Africa are facing is really a mirror of the crisis that our people are facing on a global scale.  South Africa should serve as a warning for you and for I.  To put it in more concrete terms: if and when Whites become a minority here in the West, the aforementioned atrocities can just as easily happen here.

They say that ignorance is bliss.  I’m not quite as blissful as I used to be, but I would not have it any other way.  At this point, I became officially racially aware, only to discover that most people were still fast asleep.  I felt discouraged.  I felt all alone.  I was frustrated that almost no one cared about the crisis we are currently in.  I was frustrated that almost no one shared my views.  I began doing a lot of independent research and discovered a number of groups and informational websites of varying caliber. Although I “met” a number of intelligent people who challenged the idea that diversity is our strength and were at least honest I wasn’t very happy with certain aspects of these locations.  And then I found the British National Party.  I did some research on that party, and was pleased with what I found.  I found not another hate group, but a respectable organization run by level-headed people with one legitimate desire: to keep Britain British. I was later referred to European Americans United and Western Voices World News.  I checked it regularly and was pleased to find articles that covered issues rarely if ever mentioned in the mainstream media, articles and opinion pieces that are liberal and neo-conservative alike.  I especially enjoy listening to Frank Roman Radio (by who else?) and Western Voices (by John Young), where they share their opinions about world events and other important issues.  Both podcasts are informative and entertaining.  To this day I still use Western Voices as my main news source which helped refine my views.  I mentioned earlier that I wanted European Americans to secure our rightful position in a multiracial society.  I realized soon enough, that such expectations were unrealistic.  I realized that in any multiracial society there will be racial problems.  The idea that somehow people of all races and cultures can co-exist in complete peace, harmony, and equality is nothing short of absurd.  No, if we are to deal accurately with the problems of non-White crime, genetic marginalization, cultural diminishment, political correctness and other forms of unrealistic expectations, we must have a place of our own, period.  This really dawned on me when I observed a perfect example of a smoothly running racially homogeneous society.  Iceland?  No.  Nazi Germany?  No.  Pre-1994 South Africa?  No. How about Japan?  See, the reason I believe what I believe is not because of ignorance of other races, but rather what I have learned from other races.  Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are homogeneously Black.  Most countries in east-Asia are homogeneously Oriental.  Most countries in South Asia and the Middle East are homogeneously brown, and all this is no accident. Not only that they seem to like it that way. Get the picture?  Does the word racism come to mind?  Not really.  But what if the nations of North America and Europe, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand were to enforce White-only immigration policies?  Would the word racism come to mind?  Of course.  Racism, hate, bigotry, White supremacy, Nazism, the litany is endless.  But it’s hypocritical to say that the latter example is racist and the former is not.  Either both are, or both aren’t.  Here’s the answer: both aren’t.  In fact, in many White countries, non-White minorities have formed their own special interest groups, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, La Raza, Mecha, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Defense League, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and many others.  Almost no one considers these groups to be racist, and many of these groups are actually funded by the federal government with YOUR tax dollars!  Meanwhile, organizations like European Americans United and, say, American Renaissance is viewed as racist, and you can bet they don’t receive any money from the federal government.

Hopefully now, you understand the crisis that our people are currently in.  After reviewing the problem and thinking about it day and night, I’ve come up with the most benign solution I can’t possibly think of.  Racial separation.  Sorry, I know it’s not a very fashionable idea, but it’s the only solution I’ve come up with.  Now, I must clarify.  I’m not talking about large-scale, enforced racial separation.  That would be both unethical and impractical.  What would happen to all the inter-racial couples?  What would happen to all the racially-mixed people?  Well, I’ve worked out a solution that I believe will help everyone and harm no one: voluntary racial separation.  Here’s what I mean.  There are plenty of separatists of every race who would be more than glad to go out into the middle of no where, build up there own little community, and be left alone.  Why they don’t just do it already, you ask.  Well, here’s the reason.  Let’s say I leave my gang-infested MS-13 neighborhood and go out into the country and build a very nice Euro- ethnic-community with my own blood, sweat, and tears.  Then, along comes a Mexican immigrant who wants to move in.  Well, if I let him into my ethnic-community, it will completely defeat the purpose for having the community in the first place.  So I turn him away.  Before I know it, I’m in violation of a host of anti-discrimination laws, and I end up either sued, or in jail, or both.  So much for my ethnic-community! Correspondingly, the same thing can happen if an Oriental enclave turns away a black, for example.  So, although in theory, separatists are free to go their own way, they are also powerless to prevent others from following them.* (Editor’s Note: Non-white persons would be less prone to condemnation by the media and so-called civil rights groups for forming racially ethnic enclaves than would European derived people. There is plenty of secondary evidence that suggests this is so.) So, the first hurdle to overcome before we can achieve any type of self-determination is these anti-discrimination laws. That will be a long battle, too, and requires a long range outlook.  Now, other people have asked me “if you don’t like diversity, why not go back to Europe?”  Good question. Although Europe is our ancestral homeland, Muslims are immigrating to Europe (with the blessings of the European Union) just as Mexicans are immigrating to America, just as Asians are immigrating to Australia and New Zealand, and I’ve already discussed the situation in South Africa.  Therefore, we as a race –as a people- have nowhere to run or hide.  We have to be realistically pro-active about it.

So what can I do, you ask?  Well first of all, learn your history. I would highly recommend examining an EAU site called the School of Western Culture.  It is definitely worth reading, and as you will note you’ll learn about many things that were never taught in mainstream history textbooks. For the parents of younger children you will be glad to find the Western Culture Institute. Secondly, keep informed on world events that are of significance to our people.  I would recommend Western Voices World News (http://WVWNews.net).  Western Voices will keep you both informed and entertained as it reports on issues rarely, if ever mentioned in the mainstream media.  Thirdly, watch our legislature like a hawk.  Call them regularly and voice your opposition to any type of bill that will harm our people (hate crime laws, amnesty for illegal aliens, higher taxes, more welfare, etc.) and your support for any type of bill the will benefit our people (any bill that protects free speech, cracks down on immigration, lower taxes, less welfare, etc.)  Fourth, I’d like to give you a fair warning: stay after from groups that seem to be obsessed with demonized imagery and bloody oratory. These groups are bad news.  Once you’re associated with them good luck getting anyone to take you seriously! Believe me those that are working to marginalize European Americans will exploit your folly 100% as you hand them your head on a silver platter. That doesn’t mean we will never face controversy. But it has to be on our terms, never forget that!  I would personally encourage you to join the dedicated men and woman of European Americans United, but don’t take my word for it, visit their website at http://EuropeanAmericansUnited.org.

Now, back to the original question: since I’m not a “white supremacist,” what am I?  Well friend, I just answered that question.  But, rather than answering it in an easily digested two-word label, I answered it with over 2000 words.

Not “The End.” The Beginning.

