The Gadfly and the Pervert


My distant ancestor Aesop (just kidding, folks) was fond of fables, so let me follow in his footsteps. This is the story of the Gadfly and the Pervert.

Norman that kept him back. Anything but. Instead, it was his analysis of Zionism. After a series of adjunct posts, Finklestein arrived at DePaul University, where he immediately encountered problems. The reason lay in the success of his European best seller The Holocaust Industry. In it, Norman Finkelstein refers to certain Jewish activists in delicate terms—as a “repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters” intent on extorting reparations (see Switzerland) and unjustly favorable treatment for Israel.

Finkelstein speaks as the son of survivors of the Warsaw ghetto and Nazi death camps—but a faithful leftist who sees justice in the Palestinian cause. As the wise Dr. Paul Gottfried has detailed on this Web site, Dr. Finklestein has recently lost a tenure battle at DePaul (a formally Catholic school), thanks to cage-rattling by none other than Alan is the leading contemporary cause of anti-Semitism. Dershowitz managed through intimidation, threats and the use of the media to bully DePaul into firing Finkelstein–who at present has no job and even less prospects of getting one. He lives very modestly in a dilapidated Queens apartment left him by his father.A very different sort of man is Jeffrey Epstein, same age as Finkelstein, 52, also born poor. (Another key difference: Epstein has a thick Brooklyn accent– he calls a bird a “boid”.) Epstein “made good,” ending up a billionaire. He is also a pervert, a child molester and obviously belongs behind bars. But Epstein is as likely to do time as I am to cheerlead the ghastly Hillary Clinton. You see, Epstein is smart enough not to kick any asses; instead he kisses them—literally. While never had a degree, he managed to teach physics at the Dalton school on the Upper East Side of New York city. (Remind me to make sure not to send my grandchildren there). He cultivated wealthy friends like Ace Greenberg of Bear Stearns and Leslie Wexner of The Limited, who helped push him to the top, whatever that means. Epstein sold himself as a financial adviser to the rich and famous, and hit the big time as far as publicity is concerned when he invited the press to cover his trip to Africa with his guest Bill Clinton on his private jet. Obviously there were similarities between the two. Both had dodged the draft, both were sexually suspect. Clinton likes to push women around, while Epstein likes to bully young girls.
