Again: Viewers Say Ron Paul Won Recent Televised Debate

In spite of questionable YouTube submissions and the grandstanding by “top tier” candidates, Ron Paul was unscathed.

The last Republican Debate had some good points and some ridiculous points to it. Questions on immigration exposed Giuliani, Romney and Huckabee as being “Open Borders” sell outs, despite their “tough on illegals” rhetoric today. Ron Paul stood out again as the only sane candidate, who would bring our troops home from Iraq and save one trillion dollars in the process. Huckabee tried to steal Ron Paul’s anti-IRS position. Fortunately, an old video clip of Huckabee showed him happily raising taxes back as governor of Arkansas. Romney proudly announced that he was pro-life, but he had to explain why he was pro-abortion when governor of Massachusetts.

A survey on Youpolls had Ron Paul winning the latest debate according to 77 percent of the people. Another online poll on CBS News has Ron Paul also winning with 80 percent. And a CNN poll shows Ron Paul winning with 56 percent.

A CNN article reports “The acrimony from the Republican campaign trail carried over quickly into the CNN/YouTube GOP presidential debate Wednesday. The debate marks the first time the candidates have faced off on the same stage in over a month… Romney attacked Giuliani’s record, saying that as mayor, he promoted illegal immigration. And Giuliani shot back, accusing Romney of having a ’sanctuary mansion’ at his own home… In his quest to appeal to the hard-line immigration wing of the party, Romney also turned some of his fire on the same topic toward former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has been rising in the polls.”

By attacking each other, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson and Huckabee are saving Ron Paul from having to “go negative.” In their desperation to crawl ahead of each other, they are airing all their dirty laundry. Ron Paul meanwhile has the cleanest and most consistent background of all the candidates. After a heavy session of mud-slinging, Ron Paul will always be the only one standing there spotless.

