Thank You Political Cesspool from European Americans United

(Audio Commentary) FRANK ROMAN and JOHN YOUNG – James Edwards continues on with more dynamic commentary, but not before playing a powerful audio commentary provided by Frank Roman and John Young of European Americans United. The title of the segment is, “Ron Paul vs. The Haters.”

On Tuesday November 21st super patriots James Edwards and his staff over at Political Cesspool departed from protocol and included a Western Voices World News audio broadcast in their programming schedule dealing with the ongoing defamation of presidential congressman Ron Paul. Entitled ‘Ron Paul versus The Haters’ EAU activists Frank Roman and John Young collaborated by analyzing the unfair and vindictive charges of racism and ‘white supremacist’ sympathies leveled at Ron Paul by Frankfurt School deconstructionist bedfellows, the Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.

(The “intellectuals” who founded the Frankfurt Institute deliberatley cut out a space for the development of Marxist theory inside American academies and independently of all kinds of political parties.)

Reaching an entirely new audience, as an up-and-coming organization we at European Americans United deeply appreciate the decision of Political Cesspool to air our broadcast. We also share their excitement at the news that they will soon be syndicated on the airwaves of Dixie Broadcasting, WDXB.
