‘Kill the Danes’ Hopeful Defeated

Asmaa Abdol-Hamid justified the killing of Danish soldiers

Asmaa Abdol-Hamid, the Palestinian refugee who advocated the arrest of Danish cartoonists and “justified” the killing of Danish soldiers serving in Iraq, was defeated in her run for a seat in the Folketing parliament in Denmark’s latest national http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2378.

The November 13 vote saw a much-publicized push by Muslims and their New Alliance party to make themselves “http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2358" in any new coalition government. The news galvanized ethnic Danes to stop the growing threat of domestic Islam. As a result, the pro-white Danish People’s Party (DF) gained 13.8% of the vote, making them the third largest party in Denmark and vital players in the new ruling coalition.

However, New Alliance emir Naser Khader is playing at being “respectable,” and so has distanced himself from Abdol-Hamid, who shocked the orthodox politically correct by advocating Islamic sexual segregation, promising to wear her Muslim headscarf in the Folketing if elected, and demanding the arrest of Danes involved in the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy on the grounds of “hate” and “racism” against Third World immigrants like herself.Too extreme for the New Alliance, Abdol-Hamid found a home with the Marxist Enhedslisten, the “Red-Green Alliance” formed by Communist dinosaurs in the shadow of the looming collapse of the Soviet Union*. While the presence of an Islamist like Abdol-Hamid is mere pandering from the Marxists, she does throw them an ideological bone, speaking out in favor of “gay rights” and claiming that she holds a class analysis. In the end, the Enhedslisten gained 2.2% of the vote, and four Folketing seats. Given the Danish “list” system Abdol-Hamid was not beaten by anyone specifically, but as seventh on the Enhedslisten list she was defeated because of increased numbers of voters (largely brought out to the polls as a result of the Muslim threat) and a lower percentage of votes for her party as a whole.

Abdol-Hamid gained national attention in the summer of 2007 for remarks sympathisizing with Islamist militants who targeted soldiers of the nation that gave her and her large family refuge. She compared the Iraqi resistance to the Danish resistance against the Nazi occupation, an outrageously cheap shot at a source of Danish national pride. Comparisons of indigenous people to “http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2370" is a favored Islamist tactic, one they gained from watching the misplaced guilt-wrenching power of the image when used by their Zionist enemies against whites, and which is often used by special interest groups to defuse pro-white sentiment.

Abdol-Hamid is also the public face of the domestic Islamist hysteria surrounding the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy of 2005. She served as spokesperson for a Muslim umbrella organization that demanded police action against the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, whose cartoons of the Muslim prophet caused outrage across the Muslim world, as well as in Europe, where the controversy highlighted the fact that traditional Western values of freedom are not sustainable in a multicultural context. In the Muslim world, the  Danish and Norwegian embassies Damascus were burned down by a mob, as was the Danish Embassy in Beirut. All told, an estimated 139 people died in protests, while the Danish figures involved had to go into hiding, fearful of threats of beheading and rewards for their murder. Despite this, Abdol-Hamid sided with the Islamists against her adopted nation.

Abdol-Hamid is also well known as an advocate of the public display of the veil, a hot button issue across  secular Europe, where separation of religion and state was gained over the course of hundreds of blood-soaked years. Not only is the veiling of women seen as an attack on women’s rights, but is a powerful visual indictment of the pipe dream of integration, causing much more consternation on the left than for nationalists, who generally see integration as a conceptual danger for European survival. Feminists, who are strong in all the Nordic nations, are especially upset by the implications of Abdol-Hamid’s pro-veil positions. As a non-white and as a woman, her views should be above reproach, according to orthodox political correctness, and this position is upheld by the Feminist Forum. However, a new wave of feminism, which correctly sees multiculturalism as a danger for Western women, has grown across the West. In Denmark, Women for Freedom said that “The choice of Asmsa Abdol-Hamid (to wear a veil) is an insult to both Danish and Muslim women.”

*Similar alliances between http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1404 radio network have outspokenly attacked the Democratic immigration stance.
