Vox Populi, Verboten

The New York Times is allowing select reader commentary on its Web pages. Guess which types of comments won’t make the cut. by Christopher Donovan New York Times’ "Public Editor" Clark Hoyt announced in his most recent column that our paper of record will soon begin allowing reader comments to be posted on its Web pages. Before delving in, I knew exactly The Times’ concern: racially conscious whites. Midway through the column, Hoyt confirms this by telling us who won’t be allowed to appear: "Take, for example, ‘Ray in Mexican Colony of LA,’ who recently managed to get a comment posted on one blog, The Lede, suggesting that The Times ‘have all the displaced ILLEGALS form the FIRES Move into the TIMES NYC HQ Builiding… and let them http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1768
