Italy Cracks Down on Foreign Crime

Gypsies anger Italians, parliament and citizens crack down on “Romas”

The Italian government has given local authorities the power to expel European Union citizens who pose a threat to public security.

The move is in response to a sharp rise in crime – particularly violent crime – blamed by many on foreign nationals.

In the latest case, a Roman woman was found in a coma after reportedly being raped, beaten and left in a ditch.

The new powers are in force immediately but parliament must vote within 60 days for them to remain in effect.

For weeks now Prime Minister Romano Prodi and his cabinet have been looking at ways to deal with the problem.

There has been outcry over a series of crimes attributed to immigrants, mostly Romanian.*

In the case of the 47-year-old Roman woman, her stolen handbag was found in the possession of a 25-year-old Romanian who has now been charged with attempted murder and robbery.

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From a Romanian blogger:

These days, citizens from Rome started to fight against Romanian gypsies who made so much crimes, both in Romania AND Italy.

What I want to point out here, is that ROMANIANS ARE NOT GYPSIES! So you see on your streets a lot of Gypsies who left from Romania, but they are not ethnic Romanians.

The bad thing is that you should not blame all of us Romanians for the gypsies acts. You have to make this difference, Romanians on one side, and Gypsies on the other side. Please!

Look at the color of the skin. There is a difference between these two ethnic groups. Gypsies are originating from India and they traveled in the history in all the Asia, arriving in Europe finally. Their skin is dark, they are dirty, they have no civilisation and most of their time they do crime. Romanians on the other hand are white people, and as a nation they were born when the Roman Emperor Trajan conquered Dacia in year 101, ruled at that time by king Decebal. Romanians are those a latin people, and their language is very similar to italian also. Follow this link on wikipedia to learn more: Trajan
