Why the Irish Left Will Go as Far as America to Ruin a Way of Life Here

Emerald Isle leftists seek to flood Ireland with Third World, citing Irish immigration

by Dymphana

Did you know that the University of Notre Dame in South Bend just concluded a week-long symposium on the “new” Ireland? I didn’t either. When a reader sent me some information I was unable to find anything substantive on the web (I don’t think the Irish Daily Mail has a website, but if you know of one, I’d be happy to hear about it).

However, what I have instead is still the real thing, minus a URL. Our reader contacted Dr. Mark Dooley, who was kind enough to send me his editorial.

I am reprinting here in its entirety. Dr. Dooley demonstrates only too well the creeping Marxist rot that plagues academia in the West. I am sad that Ireland has succumbed, but then why should it be exempt from this moral decay? I know the trendy academics like to talk about “deconstructing the text” but all they’re really doing is destroying literature and history and philosophy…

Their work is a kind of decomposition; perhaps when it is entirely done, we can spread the resulting manure on the green, green grass of home.


By Dr. Mark Dooley

How would you react if I told you there is a conference entitled: Race and Immigration in the New Ireland, currently being staged at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana? I suspect it wouldn’t bother you too much, would it?

Well, perhaps this might change your mind. The sub-title of the event is: The world accepted the Irish. Will the Irish accept the world?

It is being addressed by Ireland’s former President Mary Robinson, the Minister for Integration, Conor Lenihan, and an array of radical left-wingers from academia, the trade union movement and the immigration industry.

Have I got your attention now?

Joining our esteemed former President in Indiana, is David Begg of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Philip Watt of the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, and the Secretary of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland, Ali Selim. Yes, that is the same Ali Selim who last year declared that ‘Sharia law should rule in Ireland in the event of a Muslim majority’.

The conference is, moreover, packed with postcolonial, pseudo-Marxist professors from all the major Irish universities. It is being organised by the Professor of Irish Studies at Notre Dame, Luke Gibbons. Gibbons, a former lecturer at Dublin City University, is a fanatical postmodernist who thinks that Irish identity can and must be debunked.

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