Rabbi Attacks Multiculturalism

Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks has told Britain that “multiculturalism has run its course” in his latest book The Home We Build Together: Recreating Society.

The warning comes in the first line of the book which he publicises in an interview with The Times today.

Dr Sacks, whose previous works include the Politics of Hope and the controversial Dignity of Difference, highlights a growth in “victim culture” which he believes is fuelled by immigration.

“We have a culture in which the quickest route to public sympathy is to be a victim. So it does pay to be a victim…and I think to be a victim is to be part of the culture that is the absolute opposite of the culture of responsibility,” he said.

He went onto to liken the current state of society in Britain to a hotel in which taxes were paid and services provided, but without a common sense of purpose and community being established.

“My argument is really a kind of direction-finding exercise. We need a strong concept of the common good, a sharp distinction between state and society,” he said.

Dr Sacks recognised that his latest comments are set to steer him into another contentious debate, but admitted hat he had sympathy for those attempting to adapt to life in a new country.”This book is probably politically incorrect in the highest order. And if it isn’t, well at least I intended it to be,” he said.

“I recognise the tension you’re talking about [between retaining a national identity and becoming part of a different nation and it is a real tension.”

