Edwards Interviews Secessionist

Dr. Michael Hill on The Political Cesspool

James Edwards, host of the award-winning nationalist radio program The http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1994.

http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2092, and is being investigated by a growing number of people from across the political spectrum within the United States itself. Dr. Hill discussed the latest developments on the show.

Dr. Hill is a leading member of the League of the South, and his ideas concerning self-determination for regions reflect on an important current of thought that is beginning to impact the discourse within an empire in freefall. From The Political Cesspool:

Dr. Hill is the President of the League of the South and a Political Cesspool fan favorite. He rejoins us on-air this evening to discuss the outcome of the League’s highly successful 2007 National Convention, which came on the heels of the Second North American Secessionist Convention. Both events were held in conjunction in Chattanooga, Tennessee, just a couple weeks ago. The conferences received a crush of national publicity and many important feats were accomplished. Tune in tonight to hear the scoop!

SECOND HOUR: James Edwards guides you through another evening of adventure in The Political Cesspool!

