Crisis at Crisis?

The neoconservative monthly Crisis recently folded its print version and now exists solely online

Deal Hudson, who was forced to resign from the Bush administration’s Catholic Project and editorship of Crisis magazine in 2004, is now handing out advice to the Christian right from his perch at The Morley Institute for Church and Culture.

Deal Hudson recently handed out some advice to Focus on the Family’s Dr. James; don’t paint yourself into a corner regarding the Republican Party’s top tier presidential candidates. Two days after a group of Christian conservative leaders met in Salt Lake City to discuss the possibility of supporting a third party candidate — should former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani become the GOP standard-bearer — Hudson wrote a piece suggesting that Dobson, by nixing Giuliani, Senator John McCain, and former Senator Fred Thompson, and being less than enamored with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, was leaving himself few viable candidates to choose from.

While acknowledging that Dobson’s “political pronouncements carry a lot of weight among Christian voters,” Hudson claimed that Dobson’s “comments, covering all of the GOP presidential candidates, threaten to divide and marginalize Christians in the upcoming election.””The dilemma for Dobson is simple,” Hudson wrote in “Will Dr. James Dobson Damage the Christian Vote?” : “He has disavowed every GOP hopeful except Newt Gingrich. With Gingrich now saying he will not run, there’s no one left Dobson can support.”

Since Dobson gave Gingrich “a second chance” to explain himself on his radio program, Hudson suggests that Dobson consider “offer[ing the other candidates a chance to explain positions troubling to him and his listeners?”
