Making a Difference (Is Not as Hard as You Think)

European American advocacy for the rest of us

by Steven Grant
American Renaissance, April 2006

For many racially aware whites, the realization of what we’re up against can be daunting. What makes things worse is a sense of helplessness—what can I possibly do? I have a full-time job, mortgage and kids, and can’t afford a high profile. But I’m tired of batting back and forth with the like-minded on the Internet.

There are several things that can be done to advance “the cause” without inviting torrents of unwanted attention. I discovered this several years ago after being denied an internship that excluded whites.

Bewildered that my career was being blocked by multiracial madness, I contacted a nominally conservative group and asked what to do. File a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, I was told, and call us back if that doesn’t work.

I never had to call back. Filing the complaint was as easy as getting the local office’s address by dialing information, stopping in, and filling out the form. The process took months, but I eventually prevailed, and the company was forced to accept whites into the internship.*

Of course, if you think your particular case of anti-white discrimination requires the services of a lawyer, please consult one. As recent events have shown, white plaintiffs can win discrimination cases, and this is gratifying even if you do not believe in anti-discrimination laws in principle. In my case, the do-it-yourself approach worked fine.

What is perhaps more important, you yourself need not be a victim of anti-white discrimination to take similar action. You can bring any potentially unlawful anti-white discrimination to the attention of the authorities. All it takes is a letter.

If a local university that receives public funds has splashed its “Students of Color Job Fair” across the Internet—and helpfully added that you must be a “student of color” to participate—print out the web page and send it to a local, state or federal civil rights office and ask for an investigation. If the fair is then opened to whites, you may have helped a white student you’ve never met get a job. If not, you’ve at least put the university on notice that whites are keeping an eye on them.

Can the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation legally offer scholarships only to non-whites? Maybe, but that doesn’t stop you from writing a letter or calling the foundation to complain. Ask why Bill Gates doesn’t think poor white children in Appalachia deserve scholarships. Maybe Bill Gates doesn’t care about Appalachia, but the white person who answers the phone might have something to think about on the drive home.

Don’t underestimate letters. Most probably find their way into the garbage can, but some end up in the letters-to-the-editor section of the daily paper. I’ve seen pro-white letters in New York Newsday, The Washington Examiner, and other sizeable papers. The recipe for success, I’ve found, is to attack a reporter or columnist’s casual use of anti-white slurs. Sadly, this happens so often that opportunities are plentiful. Even a liberal journalist can’t help but see the unfairness of strict prohibitions on slurs against other groups while it’s OK to insult whites.

Meanwhile, the white couple sitting around the kitchen table with the paper will either agree wholeheartedly, or a seed may be planted in their minds: the idea of whites as a group with interests that are under attack.

I think I missed an opportunity months back with the release of the movie White Chicks, starring the black Wayans brothers. I should have stood outside the movie theater with a sign reading, “This Movie Insults White Women.” In my hyper-liberal neighborhood, people might have thought I was boosting feminism (and was thus untouchable), but meanwhile, some racial identity might have slipped through.

Actions like that, of course, are public, but there would be no reason to give anyone your name if you didn’t want to. Wear sunglasses if you think some troublemaker will take your picture.

You also need not give your name when you stand to ask a question after a public talk. After being tipped off to a presentation at a nearby college about “the uniqueness of the West,” I showed up, listened to the neoconservative speaker (who asserted that the West’s accomplishments compared to the rest of the world were accidental and had nothing to do with race), then stood up to comment. I offered the possibility that it’s the white race that makes the West unique. There was a murmur in the crowd, but no shouting or violence. And a roomful of college students heard the calm articulation of a different point of view.

For those who like to debate, but don’t care to do it face-to-face, try Internet chatboards. There are probably thousands of these, and many focus on conservative politics. The ones sympathetic to our point of view are well-known, but try establishing beachheads elsewhere. Those who’ve tried this know that in some cases something as (relatively) harmless as a link to American Renaissance can get you banned.

So, try stealth. Weigh in on other political topics so as not to look like a Johnny One-Note. Stay moderate. The longer you’ve posted, the more you’re “family,” and the less likely the moderators are to ban you. It’s like a mini version of life: gaining the general respect of the board will give your point of view on race all that much more worth. Then try working in the idea of inherent racial difference.

This is a short list, but the idea is to think of strategic and low-key ways to be an advocate for white interests. Be creative. Many readers may baulk, but look at how the left has been successful all these years—with many minor acts of resistance and demonstration, strategic lawsuits, and even a sense of humor.

Racially conscious whites are smart and driven, and I know they can return the favors, however small. If nothing else, it’ll make you feel like a human being.


*I heartily endorse this article as a template for activism on behalf of our people. — Frank Roman
