SpongeBob Explains the Nuclear Family of the New Millenium

by Violent Acres
Violent Acres is the pen-name of an anonymous lady blogger.

Today I found myself watching an episode of Spongebob Squarepants and becoming increasingly annoyed. Now I know some of you are busy wildly speculating why I would be watching a cartoon, but stay with me here.

In this particular episode, Spongebob and Patrick found a baby scallop and decided to become a Mommy and Daddy as they raised the scallop together. Spongebob took on the roll of ‘Mother’ and Patrick alternatively became the ‘Father.’ After a few minutes of cooing over the cuteness of the baby scallop, they set about their new daily routine.

Obviously, since Spongebob was the Mommy, he stayed home to take care of the baby scallop. He also did all of the cooking, the cleaning, and the wash. The work load for him was tremendous. Just to keep up, he literally sprouted 10 new arms from his body in order to hold the baby, accomplish his chores, and keep a pained and panicked smile on his face at all times.

Patrick was the Daddy so it was his job to rudely cram Spongebob’s cooking down his gullet, make a clever quip, and look all shifty when Spongebob pleadingly asked him to at least change the baby. Selfishly refusing to even give the haggard Spongebob that much of a helping hand, Patrick then pretended like he had to rush off to work and disappeared.Every day, when Patrick came home, Spongebob would sweetly ask him if he could take care of the baby scallop for a minute and allow him a break. And every day, Patrick would insist his day at work was very busy as he promptly headed towards television set to veg out. The valiant Spongebob kept working, even though it was obvious his condition was deteriorating.

