The Totalitarians Among Us

As long as the neocons are in charge, and kept in power, they will continue to destroy what is left of America’s constitutional republic.

By Thomas DiLorenzo

One of the most insidious effects of the neocon takeover of the Republican Party is that years and years of neocon propaganda from talk radio, neocon publications, the Faux News Channel and elsewhere, seem to have created a large, critical mass of totalitarian-minded, blind followers that comprise a large part of the Republican Party “base.” The bloodthirsty “evangelicals” are one important example, but some recent events suggest that it is more widespread than that. There was, for example, the loud booing of Congressman Ron Paul at the GOP “values debate” by hundreds of Republican “evangelicals” when he mentioned the fact that Jesus was known as The Prince of Peace.

At that same debate, as was recently noted on the blog, there were loud murmurings from the audience of things like, “Did he (Ron Paul) really say that homosexuals had rights?!” It was just unbelievable to some of those Republican “values voters” that anyone would think that homosexuals should have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.

Full Report

The opinions of the author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of European Americans United and Western Voices World News.
