EAU Members: Confirm your Subscriptions

About two weeks ago we sent out an email that would allow all of our members with email addresses to opt-in to our members-only email list. As of right now, we still have 34 members who have not opted in, and therefore will not receive these mailings.

These mailings are NOT “spam.” They are action alerts and, effective with the current membership bulletin, a PDF version of our members-only quarterly newsletter. As a number of members chose to receive such updates via email only (and not via postal mail) it is critically important that members confirm their subscription to the EAU Membership mailing list.

We will send out these invitations again via email today.

If, by Saturday, you have NOT received the invitation, please go to our contact form on the http://www.europeanamericansunited.org and choose “Contact Us” as the recipient so we can resolve the problem.

The electronic copy of our members-only bulletin will be sent out on Saturday night — you don’t want to miss it!
