An Open Letter to Fellow Europeans

Is the worst yet to come for White Europeans?

by Paul Weston

It had to happen. It was just a matter of when. Writers on sites such as Gates of Vienna have spent years detailing the totalitarian impulses of the European Union and the associated apparatchiks riding on their coat tails.

And now it is out in the open. A peaceful democratic protest, organised by people with no trace of historically violent behaviour, is banned because the Mayor of Brussels, a Mr Freddy Thielemans, believes he cannot guarantee the safety of the public, and perhaps more pertinently, does not wish to upset the delicate sensibilities of Brussels’s large resident Muslim community.

What a sense of relief! Those hours spent researching, reading and writing up on the European Union and it’s dastardly plans for its “community” of citizens were not in vain. No matter how right we may have thought we were, there was always that nagging doubt in the back of one’s mind that perhaps it was all too fantastical to be true; is it really possible that white Western European leaders (unelected, but surely that too could not be true, after all we live in a democracy, do we not?) were intent on betraying and sacrificing their own people, all half a billion of them, in their pursuit of power and a seat at the never ending trough of financial swill?But now the face of Europe’s totalitarian New Order has exposed itself in all of its slippery, devious, treacherous, lying, naked ambition. If they are prepared to deny free speech and freedom to demonstrate, then what else will they deny us? Could those scarcely believable tales, spun across the “right wing” web sites, making outrageous claims that the EU wanted to incorporate old Christian Europe into a new Islamic entity called Eurabia possibly be true?

And if that is the case, what of the threat of arrest by Europol, (whose headquarters is rather fittingly the ex-Gestapo headquarters) followed by transportation and trial before Eurojust, with both organisations taking precedence over and above the judicial and police departments of national countries? Can it really be the case that such an arrest can take place for mere criticism of an EU institution, a criticism subsequently identified as a criminal act of xenophobic hatred?

These must just be rumours; it is too Orwellian, too Big Brotherish to possibly be true. But these plans are already in the EU pipeline, waiting for the day to come, and come it will before the next two years are out, after which the EU will have total control of its subject peoples. No more elections, no more sovereignty, no nation states, no freedom, just an imminent minority status of jizyah-paying Dhimmitude.

Will you be able to leave the EU? I doubt it. A gigantic experiment in “social justice” coupled with an ageing population will require an ever-increasing tax burden on its working population. If you think you will be able to jump ship and leg it to Australia then think again, buddy boy; without the taxpayer the EU will implode. They need your tax euros, and you ain’t going nowhere.
