Almost Forbidden Thoughts IV

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American top military leaders are these days more bureaucrats than soldiers.

In the war of 1861-1865, nearly all the Northern public, politicians, and soldiers thought black people were inferior and approached them with dislike and authoritarian management.  Nothing the U.S. government did in the war or Reconstruction had the well-being of black people as a primary motive.  Not all black slaves rushed into the arms of the invader, and many who did regretted it.  A great many were abused by U.S. soldiers.  In general, freed  black people were not told that they were free, but ordered to transfer their obedience from their masters to the U.S. government.

John F. Kennedy was not a great staesman nor a remarkable and noble individual.  Neither was his assassinated brother.

American education is an extreme failure, especially when plotted against its per-pupil costs.

The purpose and result of the Great Society was not to help the unfortunate and increase the quality of life but to provide easy white-collar jobs for thousands of pseudo-intellectuals, as well as establish vast opportunities for political patronage.Voting means little when Lawrence Rockefeller has more influence than any ten million of us.

The Federal Reserve is not a public institution but a private banking cartel.

Most Americans are barred from any hope of ever seeking justice in the courts because it has become too expensive.
