An Evening With The Political Cesspool (Away From the Studio!)

Premiere populist talk radio crew have a little fun.

(From the files of Winston Smith, August 5, 2007)

You know, my friends, we at The Political Cesspool are a hard-working group of guys.  When we’re not plying our trades to support our families, we’re usually busting our butts doing show prep, arranging interviews, studying the issues of the day, writing blog entries, answering fan email, making appearances at various events, and generally carrying out the glorious and honorable burden of being the South’s Foremost Populist Radio Program.  And believe when I say that we love doing all of it, and we do so with the unique intensity of volunteers who give themselves to a cause just for the sheer righteousness of it.  We love our listeners (who are actually more like colleagues), we love our cause, and we love each other as brothers.  But sometimes, even we need a break, which means we get together for a fine meal and some extra-Cesspool fellowship!

For the friendly and courteous Political Cesspool staff, such a time began when Peter “Scoop” Stanton breezed into town a couple weeks ago.  For several months, Scoop has been The Political Cesspool’s intrepid international correspondent and listener-favorite, filing his weekly reports from our European bureau in Rota, Spain.  Alas, he has returned stateside to take the helm of our Washington bureau.  Recently, Scoop showed up unexpectedly at the palatial and tastefully decorated broadcast booth at WLRM Radio in Memphis, TN.  Political Cesspool kingpin James Edwards contacted the rest of the staff and arranged for us to meet for dinner.


During my tenure at The Political Cesspool, one thing that has always amazed me is the fraternal bond that exists between the staff members.  When I first talked with James about joining the team, we immediately had a good rapport.  About a year later, I met Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller at James’s wedding; the same feeling of camaraderie was unmistakable and was palpable whenever I shared hosting duties with my good friend and elder brother in arms.  The decision to add Scoop Stanton to our all-star stable of talent was as natural as putting cheese on grits.

And that camaraderie, that fraternity, was conspicuous as we enjoyed our Saturday dinner.  Though none of us had never met Scoop Stanton face-to-face nor even seen a picture of his chiseled mug, it was as though we had known each other since childhood.  The food was good, the conversation was loud and merry, and the fellowship was easy and genuine.  In addition to the on-air and blog talent, Political Cesspool webmaster Geoff Melton was there, as he should have been.  Though Geoff is only occasionally heard on the broadcast, his contribution to the organization is beyond measure, and the show would be greatly diminished without his formidable internet skills and iron-clad commitment to Constitutional Conservatism.  Besides all that, Geoff is just a damn good guy!  Before he joined us at the restaurant, Geoff had been at a gun show, working a booth on behalf of presidential candidate Ron Paul. Being the tireless activist that he is, Geoff informed us that after dinner he was conducting a rally to lay the groundwork for the Ron Paul campaign in Memphis, and he asked if his fellow Cesspoolians would mind making an appearance at the event, us being big-time celebrities and all.  We gladly agreed.  Try as we might, we can no more divest ourselves of our commitment, even for a couple of hours, than we can rid ourselves of our souls.  It’s just the way we are  Besides, what could be better than a good dinner followed by an appearance at a political rally?!?

After the conclusion of the rally, we decided to go to a karaoke bar where James is practically a fixture. There, we continued enjoying each others company, and James and I awaited for our turns to take the stage.  To my extreme dismay, Scoop Stanton and The Bombardier wimped out, refusing to get in line to belt out a tune.  But yours truly had the solution – we would go up as a group!  Everyone agreed, and we settled on a song.  James was our warm-up act, and he did a very able job with his rendition of Bobby Darin’s, “Mack the Knife”.  Immediately afterwards, Scoop Stanton, The Bombardier, and yours truly took the stage with James, and the newest musical super-group was born – The Cesspool Four! Not one of those ridiculous “boy-bands”, mind you, whose chief talent is doing exactly what their handlers tell them to do; the Cesspool Four was a “man-band”, people!  And let me tell you, we were en fuego, baby!  It didn’t take but a few short measures before we had that crowd in the palms of our hands, as we layed it down!  James began the classic ballad:

Here’s my story, It’s sad but true
About a girl that I once knew
She took my love then ran around
With every single guy in town . . .
And then the rest of the Cesspool Four joined in with gusto –
I should have known it from the very start
This girl would leave me with a broken heart
Listen people what I’m telling you
A-keep away from-a Runaround Sue!

Sadly,  not long after that, we had to call it a night.  And what a night it was!  Good dinner, political activism, fellowship and singing . . . my gosh, it’s good to be a Cesspoolian!  But more than all that, as we went to our separate homes, we were satisfied that the fraternal bond between us was stronger than iron.  I wish all of you could be so blessed.

Winston Smith is a staff member of The Political Cesspool Radio Program.  He can be e-mailed here: 

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