Americans Call On Congress To Investigate Bush & Restore The Republic!

ALIPAC’s Restore the Republic Campaign goes to Washington –
Demands an Investigation and Enforcement of Existing Immigration Laws!

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is calling for a formal congressional investigation into the non-enforcement and under enforcement of America’s popularly supported and existing immigration laws.

“We need Congress and the press to do their jobs, by launching investigations to find out why our existing laws are not being enforced,” said William Gheen of ALIPAC. “Presidents do not get to decide which laws they will or will not enforce on behalf of their big business friends. That’s what kings do, not Presidents. If our existing laws go un-enforced, then we no longer live in a functioning Republic for which our flag stands.”

All fines against employers for hiring illegal aliens had ceased by 2004, under directives from the Bush administration. Recent high profile raids have excluded charges against employers. Border Patrol agents are operating under instructions to only Catch and Release and do not pursue. Agents that do their jobs could face dismissal or prosecution like Ramos and Compean. “Under these directives, it would not matter if we had half a million US Border Patrol agents deployed,” says Gheen. “Bush has opened our borders through regulatory means. The Border Patrol has their hands tied and are not really stopping anyone from crossing illegally into the US.”

The Bush administration is not adequately enforcing American immigration laws at the border, against employers, or against businesses that intentionally aid and abet illegals. Banks are being allowed to offer credit cards and home loans that are targeted specifically at illegal aliens, which is in violation of existing federal laws.

Congress demanded that 700 new miles of fencing be added to the Border. The Bush administration stripped the funding from the plan and built only a few miles of fencing!

“Under these conditions, the deliberations of Congress, the votes of Congress, the elections, and the votes of all Americans have been nullified by executive orders,” says William Gheen. “These actions by the White House, combined with recent revelations about the SPP and North American Community are alarming. Until Congress can Restore the Republic and assure that laws that are passed will be enforced, there is no need for future legislation.”

ALIPAC supporters will be calling on their elected officials to launch congressional investigations into this matter. ALIPAC’s spokesman, William Gheen is meeting with members of Congress and the Senate in Washington this week, to discuss this plan.

ALIPAC believes that enforcement of our existing laws would eventually and significantly reduce the number of illegal aliens residing in America. The current illegal immigration crisis in America is being created by the non-enforcement of existing laws. Correcting that situation would begin to reverse the flow of illegal aliens with more leaving than entering. For more information, please visit


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878
