UK: Cops Unleashed on Democracy

West Midlands Police put lives at risk in political intimidation campaign

News article filed by British National Party news team  
We can exclusively reveal that West Midlands Police are risking public safety by diverting over-stretched resources away from investigations of terrorist activities amongst the large Islamic population of Britain’s second city, and waging a shocking campaign of intimidation against British patriots which has parallels with police repression in Zimbabwe and despotic African republics.

It is a story of a campaign which will shock the vast majority of Britons who have, despite all the high profile cases of mistakes and omissions made by Police across the country, retained a respect for the hard working officers who maintain a thin blue line and try and keep our streets and communities safe.

We can report a catalogue of intimidation which suggests that this is not the one off action by a couple of rogue officers but a systematic campaign coming from the very top. Chief Constable Sir Paul Scott-Lee now has some explaining to do, to his own officers, to the 19,404 people who voted for BNP candidates across the city and to the taxpaying Birmingham householders of all ethic backgrounds whose very safety is at risk by a political decision to divert resources away from terrorist investigations. If he wants his force to maintain the reputation of being a politicised agency of the Labour regime, which would not be out of place in a corrupt banana republic, then he simply needs to do nothing.Many readers will remember that in 2006 the British National Party in Birmingham put up a full slate of candidates right across the city during the local elections. In that campaign the BNP campaign van was stopped by police and the driver was actually threatened with arrest for inciting racial hatred for playing the popular and much loved folk song “Rule Britannia” over the loud speaker system. After the female Asian police officer had made her threats and demanded to know, “where do you have your meetings”, the story appeared in a local newspaper much to the embarrassment of the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police.

Sinister catalogue

At the time we thought that perhaps it was just a little bit of over zealous policing tied in with the culture of political correctness that unfortunately is increasingly being used to politicise Britain’s police service. However, after Birmingham BNP once again fielded forty candidates across the UK’s second city in May this year, a sinister and dangerous element has now been added, which taken into context with the catalogue of other incidents, points to the fact that the New Labour increasingly regards the police force as its own paramilitary organisation. At a time when there are literally thousands of Islamic terrorists at large in Britain incredibly West Midlands Police can find the resources to deploy a team of detectives to knock on the door and question every single one of the four hundred people who signed the nomination papers of BNP candidates in May.

The team of officers thought that they had struck gold when questioning one obviously wealthy and elderly gentleman as to whether or not he had signed the papers of none other than the notorious BNP. However, officers were visibly crestfallen when told that he was actually standing for the Party in another part of the city. Despite the daunting prospect of police detectives banging on people’s doors and asking ordinary, law-abiding members of the community whether or not they had had the audacity to sign BNP nomination papers, the team of detectives were left frustrated by the matter of fact pluckiness of ordinary Brummies who quite naturally felt they had done nothing wrong.

Victimising ethnic minorities

Not to be out done the boys in blue decided to try their luck in some of Birmingham’s more diverse wards seemingly convinced that a Party that attracts the vote of tens of thousands Birmingham residents would actually struggle to find tangible support on the doorsteps. Now imagine the scenario if you are a Christian West Indian surrounded by Somalians or a Sikh living amongst Muslim neighbours, If police officers pulled up outside your house and asked bluntly whether or not you support the BNP what would you say?
Nobody knows exactly what other tactics or means of persuasion have been used but perhaps it is not surprising that the Britain’s modern-day equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition may have found somebody ready to renounce their association with the Party.

In New Labour’s Britain nothing much comes as a surprise anymore, but the concept of white police officers intimidating members of ethnic minority communities, many of whom are quite adamant that they like living in a predominantly British society, merely for supporting the British National Party really does take the biscuit. In any case actually signing a set of nomination papers isn’t any real guarantee of support – it is merely an assertion that those signing accept the democratic right of the candidate to stand. Yet that is the real problem, Labour cannot tolerate opposition and as they crudely use the police force to try and drive the BNP out of Birmingham’s electoral process, condemning Christian West Indians and Sikhs to live in a city that is increasingly becoming more like Mogadishu and Islamabad it must seem a price worth paying if, of course, it keeps them in power. Even so one wonders if, even in the aforementioned cities, opposition parties encounter such cynical, underhand tactics deliberately employed to intimidate anyone involved in putting forward a democratic alternative to the government’s agenda of crazed internationalism and forced integration.


So here we have it. Unless Chief Constable Sir Paul Scott-Lee decides that attempts to intimidate law abiding residents is a political disaster which gives his force a bad name, and serves only to place a gulf between the public he is sworn to serve, without fear or favour, and the officers instructed to carry out the intimidation then in future any signatory of the BNP’s nomination papers in Birmingham from now on is guaranteed a visit to their home by West Midlands Police. Whilst one’s neighbours are treated to the spectacle of a police car outside one’s house you will be formerly questioned by detectives about your political beliefs.

What’s more, if you are a BNP candidate or agent you run the risk of being sent to prison if one of the people who signed your nomination papers can be persuaded by West Midlands Police that in fact they did not do so, were intimidated into doing it or that they did not really know what they were signing for. All of which of course is designed to put massive internal pressure on the party and to force us out of Birmingham politics. We haven’t quite got to the stage where BNP candidates are summarily detained without trial over the election period yet, but rest assured under New Labour such a situation may well arise.

The Birmingham branch of the British National Party is a proud, resilient and politically-experienced group of people. The political progress and support across the city that they have built is beginning to panic the great and good.

If they think that using the West Midlands Police force, at public expense, to attempt to criminalise an opposition party will not have any adverse political affect then they are very much mistaken. Perhaps New Labour and its politically-appointed friends within the higher echelons of West Midlands Police think that they are still living in the age where they can monopolise publicity, political dialogue and local news. As you can see, as thousands upon thousands of people across Britain and the entire world read about this shocking and grubby little tale, it would appear that those days have gone.

Shocking catalogue

Recent catalogue of West Midlands Police intimidation involving sexual threats, detentions, threats to publicans and interrogation.

• BNP branch meeting at Drake’s Drum public house secretly filmed by West Midlands Police who had set up an observation team in an opposite college.

• South Birmingham BNP organiser arrested at 6am in the morning for distributing “Margaret – I wish I could seek asylum” leaflets. His house was searched in front of his children and he was held at a local police station for several hours. He is currently in the process of seeking compensation.

• BNP campaign van stopped several times by West Midlands Police during the local election campaign. Occupants were threatened with arrest for inciting racial hatred for playing “Rule Britannia” and asked where BNP meetings were held.

• BNP member held in police car, told that the police know who he is and where he lives. One Asian and one white officer then try to provoke him by threatening to sexually assault his mother and sister.

• Bulls Head public house in Kings Norton. Management visited by police officers shortly after a large and successful BNP meeting and told that they were not allowed to have the BNP on their premises.

• Other Birmingham landlords told by police officers that they would lose their licenses if the Party were to hold meetings at their venues.

• Signatories of BNP nomination papers individually visited and questioned by detectives from West Midlands police.
