Capitol Hill Rally to Protest New “Hate Crimes” Legislation a Success

By Elizabeth O’Brien

WASHINGTON, DC, July 11, 2007 ( – Various Christian, pro-life groups met today and yesterday for a rally and press conference protesting the new “hate crimes” legislation that is being considered in the U.S. Senate.

Participant groups included Repent America, Philadelphia 11, Elijah Ministries, BOND, Minutemen United, Pass the Salt Ministries, America Asleep Know More, Restoring America, and Life and Liberty Ministries. They formed a joint effort to voice the concerns of Christians throughout America about the pending “hate crime” bill, S 1105.

Michael Marcavage, president of Repent America, told that the rally was “exceptional” and that participants had a “powerful time.” According to Marcavage, approximately 100 participants divided into three different teams. The first team approached the Senate buildings and offices and ensured that every Senator received an information package regarding the “hate crimes” bill. The second group was a public witness team that distributed information on the streets. The third team visited the Department of Justice with concerns about future problems that could arise from Bill S 1105.  A major concern with the Federal “hate crime” bill is that it will give the Department of Justice the ability to step in and help local prosecutors with “hate crime” cases. As Marcavage explained, the Department of Justice trains officers how to mediate conflicts between homosexuals and Christians. Part of the training included is that in the case of an encounter in a public environment, the officer is instructed to remove the Christian.  

According to Marcavage, they do not know the exact time the bill will be voted on. “What we’re doing is taking this two day opportunity to come to Washington to take a stand publicly. To encourage people cross the country to call, fax and email their senators, explaining that they need to vote against any “hate crimes” legislation.” He concluded, “We’re going to continue this effort until we find where things end up.”

Also known as the Matthew Shepard Bill (named after a young homosexual who was killed by an act of anti-homosexual violence), S 1105 is the Senate version of H.R.1592 that passed the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this May, the Christian Post reports. The new bill made several additions to the existing “hate crime” law including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the list of possible hate crimes.

This April the Democrats forced through Bill H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and at the same time, mowed down attempts to add an amendment protecting the rights of religious and freedom of speech when speaking out on homosexuality (see

The White House issued a statement saying that the bill was “unnecessary” and “constitutionally questionable.” It is also redundant, for “State and local criminal laws already provide criminal penalties for the violence addressed by the new Federal crime.” At present, the President has promised to veto the bill if it passes the Senate.
