UK: Glasgow Airport Attacked As Queen Opens Scottish Parliament

UK continues to feel the effects of its “open doors” Third World immigration policy

News article filed by BNP news team

At about 15:20hrs this afternoon a four-wheel-drive vehicle rammed into the main terminal at Glasgow Airport today and exploded in flames, police and witnesses said.

There were no immediate reports of injuries.

A Strathclyde Police spokeswoman said the vehicle, a Cherokee Jeep had not penetrated the building and the blaze was under control.

A witness in Glasgow told Sky News that an Asian man who had been inside the vehicle scuffled with police immediately after the incident, was wrestled to the ground and detained.

Another witness said a second man, also Asian, was on fire following the blaze and badly burnt. The flames were extinguished and he was also detained by police, the witness said.”There was chaos at the airport,” James Edgar, another witness, told Sky News. “I was in the airport building trying to book a holiday. Suddenly people were running past us. Suddenly everyone said to get out of the airport.”

Police have yet to confirm whether this was a bungled suicide terrorist attack or something less sinister. Coming just 24 hrs after two attempted vehicle attacks in London it is a stark reminder of the threat of Islamic inspired terrorism.

State opening link?

If it is the work of Islamic extremists it will be the first attack of its kind north of the border. It may be no coincidence that the Queen officially opened the Scottish Parliament earlier today 50 miles away in Edinburgh. The attack may well have been designed to be symbolic in an attempt to persuade the new Scottish National Party led government to unilaterally withdraw Scottish regiments from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city and home to an estimated 25,000 Muslims. We can expect the usual knee-jerk reaction from the establishment liberals that the alleged high levels of poverty found in the Muslim community is a factor driving young male Muslims to extremism. This is of course nonsense as high levels of poverty in Glasgow does not turn native Scots youths into suicide bombers. In reality the fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran, the Islamic holy book is the compelling factor behind these kinds of attacks; commanding as it does a holy war against non-believers to spread the word of Islam by any means necessary, including murder and mayhem.

Suicide bombers are held in esteem by their immediate families and the wider Muslim community and those who die for Islam are promised “unlimited sex with 72 virgins in heaven”…..”beautiful like rubies, with complexions like diamonds and pearls.”
