Stop Amnesty: Contact the RNC/DNC

by John Young

Today the Senate is taking up debate on the Amnesty bill. It is crucial that you contact your Senators! To get individual phone numbers and addresses, click and look up your Senator’s information. The page will even direct you to a convenient form for submitting an Email right there!

Make sure to make the following points:
1. NO path to citizenship
2. NO guest worker program
3. NO North American Union/Security Perimeter
4. NO “Z” Visa
5. Enforcement ONLY.

In addition to this, you can have an impact by contacting the party headquarters directly. Political parties speak only one language: money. Here, then, are new action items for you:1. Call the Republican National Committee contribution assistance hotline at 202-863-8747. (If they stop answering the phone there, instead call their main number at 202-863-8500.) Make the following statement: “I would like to make a contribution to the Republican party …” allow a pause. When the person on the other end starts to talk, break in with: “but I just can’t support a party that would destroy our culture with a path to citizenship for lawbreakers.” Go ahead, be polite, but be strong and make sure they get the message.

2. Call the Democratic Party Headquarters at 202-863-8000 and ask for contribution assistance. When you get a person, say “I would like to make a contribution to the Democratic party …” and allow a pause. When the person on the other end responds, break in with: “…but all of these illegals are making things really tough for our most vulnerable people and making healthcare less affordable. I really can’t contribute to a party that disenfranchises and discards our own poor people. Where I come from, Democrats know that charity begins at home.”
